One night of action, Take 4

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When Natasha arrived home from her early morning Yoga class the next day, her assistant met her at her door carrying a huge bunch of roses.

"Who on earth are they from?" She laughed, dumping her yoga mat down as she took the card from amongst the roses.

"Either a fan who has worked out your home address, or a company that adores you and has stolen your home address off contracts," her assistant frowned, immediately on her phone. "Or its a secret admirer you've not told me about."

"Ding ding ding, Maria. Third time lucky." She grinned reading the note and then placing it back. "No need to inform security just yet."

"Do I get to know more details?" Maria smirked, ordering a car for them for an hour later, giving Natasha time to shower and get dressed.

"Not yet." She smiled, "Can you put them in water for me please?"

"Sure can," she moved, glancing at the card. "Sorry for being an idiot again, love James." She read aloud, "Who is James?"

"A friend." She shrugged, making Maria raise her eyebrows. Natasha laughed in response to her expression, disappearing down the hall to the bathroom, texting on her way.

- Kissass x -


-Bet it made you smile though x-


James lounged with a beer in his empty apartment, deciding to flick through the TV channels to see if there was anything worth watching. He was about to give up, since it was late anyway he could probably do with the sleep, but then Natasha's face popped up on the screen, audience mid laughter as she smiled between her co-star and the shows host.

It had been almost two weeks since he'd seen her, but each time she was just as radiant. He liked how she was the same in the public eye as she was behind closed doors. Charming, beautiful and witty.

The questions the host asked them both were fairly standard, what it was like working together, filming locations, a joke or two or funny set story. It was clear she had everyone in that room, and probably watching at home, wrapped around her little finger and dazzlers by her. Men wanted her, women wanted to be her.

"So," the host turned the questions on Natasha herself after grilling her costar. "You've just also found the time to feature in a very popular music video, where you play a-"

"Cheating little bitch," she jokes while laughing softly, everyone joining in once more. "I promise it's all acting, I'm not that bad in real life."

"You're a loyal and devoted girlfriend then?" The host pressed

"When I've been snatched up, yes,"

"Nobody special then?"

"Oh, I didn't say that," she smiled, the audience collectively "oooo-d" at the scandal. "Oh yeah whatever, next question," she teased,

He frowned to himself as the segment ended, finding himself feeling disappointed he took this woman for granted so much. She could have her pick of anyone, and she made time for him, cooked for him god damn it, and did she just mentioned him live on air?

He saw her everywhere after that, in magazines, Tv commercials, movie posters and interviews where everywhere. It worried him, because each time it sent a rush of emotion over him that this was just too good to be true. No way had his life turned out like this.

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