A chance to save a soul.

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-Warning: -

Endgame spoilers, just incase anyone still hasn't seen it.

This is sooooooooo long. Like, too long. So maybe grab a drink or something?

~ I didn't want to split it or make it a book, or continue it in anyway. So here is all of it in one place, in one chapter. ~

Also I've decided to completely ignore the Russo's and their Soul Stone theory being irreversible, shoot me.

I've added random gifs just to split up the story a little and so your eyes don't get sad staring at words all the time.


I'm not a girl who questions who I am

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I'm not a girl who questions who I am.
I know exactly who, and what I became.
A killer.
A seductress.
A tortured soul.
Nothing will change the chaos I created.
I deserve no second chances,
They are not for me.
But for you,

That's another story.


"So you're not going back right away?" Steve asked her after their lengthy reunion, the hint of a smirk on his lips as she shook her head. "Are you going to tell me where you're heading?"

He hadn't fully put the idea in her head, but he had solidified her decision. She had a lot of time alone with her thoughts in this desolate planet, never ageing, never needing to eat or sleep, just think.

He was off to find his happiness with Peggy, enjoy the life with her he never could and damn well deserved to, in her opinion anyway. She didn't deserve the happy ending like Steve was aiming for, but she knew someone that did. Someone who she knew should be able to live a more normal life they deserved, in another reality at least. The one person she hadn't been able to save.  She had already thought up the basis of a plan when they finally rose from the rocks they were sat on in Vormir.

"No." She answered simply, a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth. It made him chuckle, amused at her level of secrecy.

"If you're sure then Nat." He nodded, pausing briefly as he stood in front of her. "I hope we cross paths again someday,"

She pulled him into a hug which he happily returned, holding her tight as she smiled. "I'm counting on it, Rogers." She pulled back, both of them preparing their Pym particles for their final journey.

"Are you sure you're not going to need this?" She held up to extra Pym particle he had brought with him, just incase anything had happened to the one she'd originally brought with her to Vormir.

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