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"Hey," she breathed softly, sitting down and fidgeting with a loose string on her jacket. "It's been a while."


"So..." she cleared her throat a little, tucking her hair behind her ear again as the wind blew it out of place. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and relaxed.

"It's been a while, too long actually." She gave a sort of half laugh, shaking her head. "It feels like forever. Everyday does. "

The silence didn't make her hesitate this time.

"Nothing's the same, you know? Even the little things. Everything is duller, colours aren't as bright, music isn't as loud, food all tastes bland." She swallowed. "But it's getting better, well, not better but..."

She sighed softly, opening her eyes to look at her hands, trembling softly. She held them together to make it stop. "I'm coping, I guess. I talk to myself a lot now. It helps...I probably sound like a mad woman, maybe that's who I am now. But it helps, so does talking to you...pretending you're there."

She fought the tears, the numbness gripping at her gut that made her feel nauseous. She looked up to the gravestone she was kneeling before, blinking a few times.

"It's so stupid, I know that. I can't believe I'm admitting it. But sometimes it feels like you're really here, watching or just waiting for a moment." She sipped her head again. "But I know you're not. I watched you..." she stopped herself, stopped the image reappearing in her mind.

"I just miss you so much..." She whispered into the wind, pressing her hand against his name engraved into the gravestone. She shut her eyes tightly, letting the tears escaped but with no sound.

He watched her from a safe distance, leaning against the large tree. His heart broke for her, for them. He should never have been the one to cause her this much pain, he wanted nothing more to hold her tight and comfort and love her. Run off into a sunset and start over.

But he couldn't. This was for her own safety.

And even if he found a way to make it work, she'd never forgive him for the pain he'd caused her.

He left her there, by his grave, quietly grieving in the lonely graveyard, as he left to grieve the loss of his past life and his only love.

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