Where are we?

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Seriously, don't read if you've not watched it.
Buckle up, it's a long one.


"I knew you'd be here," Natasha smirked, causing him to turn around to smile at her. The familiar husk of her voice improved his mood slightly despite the solemn affair, and he took a few large strides over to her and enveloped her in a hug. She returned it, fiercely hugging back as he buried his face in her shoulder.

"Can't miss my own funeral, it would be rude." Tony chuckled, pulling back to grin at her. "I'm the star of honour after all!"

"Death has not become you." She teased, making him laugh softly. He needed her dark humour in this situation, if he wasn't laughing he'd be crying.

"It's so good to see you Nat." He took her hand, squeezing it in his own. "Amazing actually."

"It's good to see you too," she looked up to the scene he'd been watching, Happy getting up from the bench with Morgan with every intention of going to grab her the best cheeseburgers he could find. "She's going to be alright, you know."

"Oh I know," he smiled sadly with a short nod. "She's strong. Much like her Momma...and her Auntie Nat." He nudge her with his elbow making her smile softly in return.

She turned her head towards where Clint and Wanda were returning from the edge of the lake, and her hand tightened around Tony's.

"I wish they could see us. Just for a second." She murmured quietly.

Tony sighed softly in response. "Barton would really appreciate it, he took it pretty hard you know."

"I do." She watched as he put on a small but genuine smile and scoop up little Nate as he ran to his dad, the kids and Laura not far behind him. "But he'll get by. They'll help him." She let a smirk fall onto her lips. "He should have known he'll always lose a fight against me."


Together they walked across the green grass in the sun, Tony shrugging off his black funeral jacket and carrying it over his shoulder. They were both dressed the part despite not really thinking about their attire, it seemed to just happen that way here, wherever they really were in this void of reality.

"What now?" He asked, "What happens from here?"

"I don't know." She smiled softly, "You can go where ever you want, do whatever you want, go to anywhere in time, there doesn't seem to be any rules. Except the obvious ones, nothing you do changes anything, no one can see or feel you," She shrugged. "I've tried all that. Even tried to poltergeist Clint when I got a little frustrated, but the vase shattered in our paradox, but not his. Pretty anticlimactic."

Tony chuckled softly. "You've tried it all huh?"

"Pretty much." She laughed once, "Took me a while to get used to this. It's...too good to be true."

Tony regarded her a moment, glancing at Cap preparing to return the stones before leaning on a nearby tree. "Nat, you get this is heaven right? A good place? Even if it's not, it's not hell." She folded he arms glancing at the ground. "Hey, you sacrificed yourself for every single person on this planet, no! The universe! And you're still going to pull that crap that you're not a decent person? Cause of your past?"

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