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*a Pre-relationship oneshot *

Natasha's legs worked overtime to keep up with the speed of the treadmill beneath her, but she refused to slow it down. She wanted to sprint, ideally outside but the stifling heat in Wakanda prevented that, even in the late evenings.

She had just dropped the speed to wipe the small droplets of sweat from her forehead when she knew she was been watched. She continued in an even paced jog, making sure her emotions were in check before her observed decided to make himself known. After 30 seconds, she was too impatient to wait any longer.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a sigh of disinterest, not even bothering to look away from the view in front of her from the large glass walls of the gym.

"I wanted to talk...about last nights party." Bucky swallowed, moving towards her when she continued on her run. He stood at the edge of her treadmill, looking up to her and resting his metal arm on the side of the handles.

Natasha flickered her eyes down to him then straight ahead once more. "What about it?"

"The whole...thing that happened." He watched her expressionless features remain unchanging, and he frowned knowing that she was trying to make him say it out loud on purpose. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Oh! That!" She faked the realisation with a fleeting raise of her brows. "Me, Sam and Steve walking in on you screwing Wanda in a dark little room far away from the party?" She shrugged indifferently as he shook his head.

"I was not screwing Wanda, It was a kiss, I-" He tried to argue adamantly before she interrupted.

"Your hand was up her skirt too," she pointed out, fighting the frown trying to pull at her lips. "What? Were you looking for the light switch?"

She tried to hide the biting in her tone by increasing the treadmill speed, only for him to press it back down again straight away. She narrowed her eyes in response as she dropped back down to a jog.

"Nothing else happened. It was just a kiss. It won't happen again."

"I'm failing to see why this is any of my business, or why it should interrupt my workout." She rolled her eyes, training them straight ahead again so she didn't have to look at the soft stare he was giving her with his ocean blue eyes.

"I wanted to check it hadn't bothered you." He said, watching the muscles in her jaw clenched and release as she bit her tongue against failing her in another snapping response fuelled by emotion.

"Why would it bother me?" She frowned, checking her watch to time her next mile.

"Well, because of the past...and it looked like you were trying to decided which one of us to rip apart...but it was nothing. Just a moment of stupidity."

"Ever noticed I look at you that way all the time because you're an idiot?" She commented dryly.

"Nat," he sighed. "What we had in the past was intense. I just wanted to check you were alright."

"Again, Why wouldn't I be?" She again turned to speed up, working up to sprint as she continued neglecting to look at him.

He was losing patience with her, narrowing his eyes as he watched her red pony tail swing as she ran, her slender arms helping her legs power forward and her lips part to control her breathing. How could one person be so beautiful and so irritating all at one time?

"You're clearly mad." He nodded to the treadmill. "You've been sprinting on here for about an hour."

"Do you want me to be mad, Barnes?" She smirked in amusement, though she was anything but amused.

"Natalia," He huffed rubbing his forehead.

"Natasha." She corrected sharply. "Why would I be mad? People move on, I mean, screwing-"

"It was just a kiss!" He growled trying to interrupt but she kept going.

"Or sticking you tongue down the throat of the people you work with happens sometimes. Everyone's got urges." She said indifferently.

"No Nat, that's not what hap-" he gripped the side of the treadmill when she interrupted again.

"I wasn't just talking about you."

He stopped dead, lips parting slightly in shock as he looked up to her sharply.

"Tony wasn't bad," she mused, almost as if she was unintentionally speaking her thoughts. "Exactly what you'd expect. Confident and firm, very hands on." She pursed her lips in thought, revelling in the tension she could see rippling up the metal grooves of his arm.

"Clint is way better than you'd think, tender, loving. God, He knows what he's doing." She sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. "That reminds me, I should really book Budapest again soon."

"Natasha," he started to warn her, but she was past caring.

"Banner is... exciting. Quiet and unsure one minute then unable to control himself without warning." Her lips where in a full smirk now as she reached for her water bottle, seductively parting her lips in a soft sigh. "Wild."

"Okay Nat-" He said through gritted teeth, but still she drove the knife in deeper.

"Oh and Steve! For a man that hadn't seen any action since 1945 or possible before that, Fuck! He really knows how to make a girl-"

"ENOUGH." He bellowed, his metal fist slamming down on the emergency stop so violently that it snapped off. She came to an abrupt stop causing her to stumble forward slightly before regaining her balance as he regained his own control.

She stepped down off the treadmill calmly, slipping in front of him as he took deep breaths that matched hers. Her eyes look up into his wild ones as he stared down at her in a look mixed with hatred, hurt and betrayal. Much like hers had been last night.

Natasha took a slow sip from her water bottle, eyes never leaving his before she swallowed her water. "Did that bother you?"

He didn't answer, just kept glaring at her, breathing hard. She took half a step forward, face inches from his as she whispered against his lips. "Does that answer your question?" She hissed, dropping her gaze from his as she turned and walked away, pulling out her pony tail and shaking her hair out in the process.

"I would say don't get mad, get even." She called ruthlessly over her shoulder before she turned to look back at him when she reached the doorway. Her tone lowered into a warning as she glared back at him. " I wouldn't get mad if I were you, James, and I don't recommend trying to get even with me either. You've a terrible temper when you lose."

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