Post St. Patricks Day.

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Natasha padded quietly through the apartment, wrapping her arms around herself to help with the cold morning chill that always accompanied leaving the warmth of bed too early. She yawned quietly, stepping onto the cool tiles of the kitchen floor and reaching for a large glass from the cupboard and filling it with water. She sipped it gingerly, leaning against the counter as it helped ease the dehydration, a consequence of the heavily drinking the night before.

Taking a deep breath, she wondered if she should make a cup of tea, something to warm her and revive her more or if crawling back into bed and waking up James was a better option. Her thoughts were interrupted when something moved in the shadows of the dimly lit hallway leading to the kitchen, and she gasped softly as a blonde woman appeared suddenly, jumping back from the doorway a little.

"Sorry! Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!" She whispered, "I was just looking for some water."

Natasha's jaw was hanging wide open, eyes bulging as she took in the girls appearance. Much like her, she was only wearing a large men's shirt, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and hair pulled up into a messy bun.

"Um, I'm Sharon." She offered awkwardly, letting Natasha snap out of her shock. "I came home with...the blonde guy." She admitted quietly.

"Sorry, I'm Natasha. James' girlfriend." She gave a small smile widening it to a smirk at the panicked look on Sharons face. "Steve's, or the blonde guys, best friend. Roommate." Sharon sighed in relief. "Water, yeah?" She asked turning to grab another glass.

"Uh, yeah if that's alright." She nodded, relaxing a little as Natasha opened the cupboard.

"Good night?" She asked, keeping her back to the blonde as she smirked, pouring her some water and then handing it over.

"Mhmm." Sharon squirmed slightly, laughing softly as she took a drink. "Yeah, it was." Natasha handed her some tea, smiling at how red Sharon had went, her eyes low to avoid her gaze. "I don't do this often, incase you think-"

"You don't owe me any explanation." Natasha smiled, "For the record, he doesn't do this often either. Steve, That is, the one who's apartment you're in." Sharon nodded softly, a grateful smile gracing her lips followed but a deep red blush as she cringed.

"Steve. Right, shit. I need to remember that. " She muttered quietly, shaking her head at herself.

"Help yourself to any food in the fridge, though I'm sure it's probably just full of left over takeout and beers." She rolled her eyes at the boys typical lifestyle, saying her goodbyes for now as she heading back to James' room.

Once she had closed the door, she quickly turned back to the bed where James was passed out, wearing only a pair of boxers covered in four leaf clovers and the words "Kiss me, I'm Irish" around the waistband. A gimmick gift she had bought him for the night of drinking and a quote he'd used all night despite the fact nothing about him was Irish.

"You have to wake up!" She leapt onto the bed and shook his shoulder gently. He groaned in annoyance.

"I definitely don't have to do that." He exhaled heavily, trying his best to ignore her.

"You do." She urged. "Babe, it's important."

"Unless the apartment is on fire, it can wait."

She lightly smacked his ass to gain his attention.

"Usually it's the other way around- WOAH!" He flinched up, feeling the fool trickle of water she'd poured into him run down his back.

"That's what you get for being crude and inappropriate." She smirked mischievously at him, setting the glass down on the bedside table.  "Steve's brought a girl back."

"You love my boyish charm, don't prete- a what?" He froze slightly before he turned to her, frowning "You're lying...."

"Would I make that up?" She grinned, watching James sit up and face her.

"A real life girl? Like, that stayed the night?"

"Mhmm. She's wearing his shirt." she hummed, watching her boyfriends eyes alight with the juiciness of this gossip.

"Finally! He's back in the game!" He laughed loudly until she covered his mouth with her hand, chuckling with him.

"Keep it down or you'll scare her off! He's not even up yet!" She let go of his mouth.

As if on cue, they heard his bedroom door open and close, followed by the mumbling of voices in the hall. She caught the mischievous look in his eyes and grabbed his arm before he dived off the bed.

"You can't go out there! Leave them alone!" She whisphered urgently to him.

"I just want to see! I still don't believe you!" He whispered back, practically dragging her off the bed too. 

"Don't be an ass, he always gets the ladies attention."

"And never acts on it! This is a big deal!"

"So don't ruin it now!" She hissed, jumping up onto his back in a piggyback position. She outstretched her leg to keep their door closed, but she needn't have bothered since James had frozen in place, listening.

"Wait... that's a girls voice." He stated, making Natasha roll her eyes and he dropped her back onto her feet.

"Wow. What would we have done without you, Sherlock?" She said sarcastically, watching him press his ear to the door. "You are so nosey!"

"It's called investigating, Watson." He winked at her, smirking when she sighed and pressed her ear to the door to join him.

"I mean...ah, it's been great. We should do it again sometime? I mean, only if you want to Sharon."

"Oh Yeah, I'd love

"Steve." Natasha muttered, trying to encourage her from behind their eavesdropping spot. "His name is Steve you idiot..."

James chuckled beside her. "Give the poor gal a break. You forgot your own name once I managed to get you into bed."

"Mention that again and I'll blow your brains out."

"Sexiest threat you've ever made." He smirked, watching her hide her laughter from him.

"How did I ever fall for an idiot like you?" She muttered fondly.

He smirked at her, butchering an Irish accent as he shrugged. "Luck O' the Irish."


This idea is sooooo stupid. But hey, it's written now. So you might as well have a read 🧐

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