Double Act

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The sound of the car door slamming caught his attention, and he turned down the volume of the TV slightly with the remote as he listened to the mumbling of voices getting louder and louder from outside. He sighed, realising his peace was about to be shattered, and the game he was watching would have to wait.

"3...2...1..." he hummed under his breath, perfectly timing the front door being sprung open as a very angry teenage girl stormed her way into the house, closely followed by her equally angry mother.

"Why do you have to ruin EVERYTHING!"

"Hey, how was your day," James murmured under his breath to himself, getting up from the sofa to walk around to the hall as Natasha slammed the door shut.

"Why do you never LISTEN! I told you that you weren't to go out! You're grounded!"

"My day was great, babe. Thanks for asking." James continued muttering to himself, the only one in the three that found himself funny as both the red heads set their green eyed glare on him.

"Oh shut up." The younger redhead hissed, folding her arms as her mother's glare turned on her again and James raised his eyebrows disapprovingly.

"Rosalie Alison Barnes! Don't ever speak to your father like that!" Natasha scolded, her Russian accent rolling over her lingering threat so her daughter shifted her gaze to her feet.

"He's just-"

"Don't want to hear it!" Natasha held up her hand. "Let's get back to the point here. Grounded, means grounded. You don't leave here unless we say so."

"How did you even know I was gone anyway?" She huffed, frowning up at them.

"Mothers know everything." James told her, holding out his hand. "Now, hand over your phone and get to your room, Rosa. That's another week added."

"What! No way!" She dropped her hands to her side and dropped her jaw. "You always take her side!" Rosa fumed as her temper flared again. "It's not fair!"

"If you'd have listened in the first place and not snuck out to hang with your friends, we wouldn't have to do this. But you need to learn." Natasha frowned. "So it's not fair, but it's your own doing. Hand it over."

Their daughter reluctantly handed over her phone, almost growling in frustration as she stomped up every single stair as loud as she could before slamming her bedroom door shut with a bang. A clear sign she was defeated and pissed about it.

Natasha rubbed her forehead as she sighed in exasperation, groaning softly. "God, she is-"

"A handful." James answered, watching Natasha try and calm down.

"That's one word for it. How is she-"

"Exactly like you were at that age?" He smirked, chuckling as an adorable frown pulled at her lips and her eyebrows lowered. Stubbornly, she stayed quiet.
"She is just like you in every way. You can't deny that Nat,"

"Yes I can." She grumbled, leaning away as he moved closer.

"You were a kid once too." He kissed her cheek fondly, his large arms wrapping around her tightly so he could pull her back to him. "You snuck out to hang out with your friends when you weren't meant too, had screaming matches with your mother and father all the time."

"Actually, I was worse, sneaking out to meet bad boys like you." She frowned thoughtful as she looked up at him while a small grin spread onto her features. "That's why we are 33 and have a 15 year old."

He laughed heartily, making her laugh too as she relaxed against his chest, adrenaline from the fight dying down. "Exactly. Count your lucky stars she's nowhere near as bad as you Natasha Barnes, because if she was, you wouldn't be the three steps ahead of her like you always are."

"Then we'd be grandparents by 36." She shuddered, as did he, before both chuckled again.

There was a faint creak above them, so quiet they could have easily missed it if they both hadn't been listening it for it.

"Rose. Grounded." They both said in unison, waiting for the response of their moody teenager.

The teen paused in her movements as she tried to tiptoeing along the stairs and have a soft gasp of shock at being caught. Still out of sight, they heard her grow in irritation, stopping back to slam the door.

"Brave of her to try sneak right by us." He mused, stroking her hair.

"I locked the windows." Natasha admitted guiltily, maintaining the most innocently look she could as he frowned down at her. "What? That's the way I would have gone..."

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