No miracles this Christmas.

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"But how does Santa know that we are here!" Lilia asked with a frown of concern, looking up to Natasha while she stroked a strand of hair from her face.

Christmas was being held at the Avengers tour this year, and everyone was crammed onto sofa's and cushions as they watched a Christmas movie that was just finishing on the big screen.

"He's magic! Santa knows everything." Natasha bopped her on the nose, as people started to move around, heading to grab more food or drink from the large table, or just wake themselves up a little more since the kids clearly had more energy than the adults. Sam has been snoring beside Bruce for the whole second half of the Grinch.

"You promise?" Cooper chimed in, peering over from the other side of a dozing Clint.

"Cross my heart," Natasha nodded, tracing her index finger in a cross over the centre of her chest with a smile.

Laura helped Nathaniel to the ground as she stood and nudged Clint awake with her foot. "Why don't you guys get Santa's cookies ready and then we have to get you to bed. It's already way past your bedtime." She shooed then away motherly, shaking her head fondly at their groans of protest that bedtime was soon, and that Clint's hadn't been long enough. The three ran off, little Nathaniel toddling a bit behind with his little legs, while Clint stretched and got up to get their things ready for bed.

Natasha got up too, giving Clint a hand to get up off the sofa much like Tony was having to do with a heavily pregnant Pepper.

"You know, bed doesn't sound like such as bad idea." Pepper huffed, resting a hand on her large bump lovingly. "This little guy has finally stopped kicking."

"He's excited for Christmas too." Tony said fondly, wrapping an arm around her waist with a smile.

Clint patted his stomach "My food baby has died down too. Drained all the energy out me." He joked.

Pepper and Laura gave him much the same look, unimpressed. "If only you knew." His wife warned him.

Natasha smiled softly at them, ignoring the stabbing feeling in her gut and excusing herself to go help the kids in the kitchen, leaving the rest of the avengers to try and convince Thor not to open all his presents which were with everyone else's under the large tree.
Wanda gave her a questioning look at her leaving the mini party they had going on, but she shook her head and gave her a small smile on assurance.
Walking into the large kitchen, she stopped in the doorway watching the little scene in front of her.

"Okay, little Lil, you see them?" James asked, make sure she was secure on his shoulders as she leaned into the high cupboard to grab a box of sugar cookies. There was Nathaniel's giggling coming from somewhere out of Natasha's sight.

"Yep! Got them!" She squealed triumphantly, already nibbling on one as she hugged the box to her chest. "Thanks Buck!"

"You got the muscles for that there, Coop?" He chuckled, watching him holding up the large milk carton as he poured out a glass, tongue out in concentration.

"Sure do!" He sighed, setting it back down heavily so part of it spilled onto the counter. "Whoops..."

James lifted Lilia off his shoulders onto the floor and ruffled Coopers hair. "It's alright little man, I'll get it." He shuffled awkwardly forward, causing more giggling from Nathaniel as he grabbed a cloth and cleaned up the spilled milk. The older kids started rushing back through to set their snacks for Santa by the tree. Natasha stepped back from the doorway, letting they run past giggling with excitement.

"Alright there little koala bear," She peered back in just as James peeled Nathaniel off his leg and started tickling him so he laughed and wriggled in delight. James laughed too, grabbing an abandoned Santa hat from the counter and placing it on his little head and then gave him a small gingerbread man.

"There you go, don't tell anyone it was me, okay?" He held a finger to his lips nodding so that Nathaniel did the same in return. He chuckled fondly and set him back on his feet to toddle off.

The little toddler, amazingly was the one who blew her cover, squealing "Naaaaa!" As he ran to her, throwing himself into her arms gleefully pushing the hat up as it fell over his eyes. She smiled fondly, sorting it for him.

"Hey little Santa! Better go steal some more cookies." She kissed his cheek as he nodded happily chewing on his gingerbread man and running off in the direction of his siblings. She stood up straight against heading into the kitchen as James threw the damp cloth in the sink.

"Were you spying on me?" He teased, smirking until he saw the half hearted smile she gave with a shrug of her shoulders. "What's up?"

"Nothing." She answered, a little too quick and happily for it to be convincing from her. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the ground and shook her head a little. "Honestly, it's nothing." She moves to grab some water from the fridge, taking a drink as he watched her, trying to figure it out. He watched her with concern as she poured her bottle into a glass with her back to him.

"I just... didn't realise how good you were with kids." She looked towards him, watching the fleeting confusion before it registered in his brain and immediately she regretted making a comment.

She didn't want to feel this way, especially on Christmas, and certainly not so people would notice.
She didn't want pity, or for anyone to tiptoe around her and tone down their happiness for her. It was awkward, and sad in her mind. She had ignored the burning rage she felt in her chest, the sickness of jealousy in her gut and the prickling of injustice that made her grip her glass so tightly she thought it might smash in her hand. But it was bubbling over now, the tension of all her mental strain releasing from her shoulders when his large hands gentle squeezed them when he moved behind her.

"Natalia," he let her name fall from his lips in a sigh, letting his accent drawl over each vowel as he pronounced it in her mother tongue. She said nothing, letting him rub her shoulders to ease the tension, trying to enjoy it. He said no more while he tried to ease her pain in some way, there was little he could say or do to help her and that killed him.

She shook her head, turning and clinging to him tightly. No tears. Just comfort seeking, needing the security of his embrace. He held her firmly, kissing her head as he kept her in his arms. "I know, we've been over it." She whispered softly, "But...It doesn't change how much I still want one." She admitted, almost embarrassed by how vulnerable she must appear.

"I know you do," He rested his cheek on her head. "If I could find a way to make it work, I would."

Natasha took a deep breath to steady herself as she pulled back from him, giving a little nod as she smiled. "That's why I love you. But it's just going to be us two, me and you... is that enough?"

He gave a soft chuckle "Babe, that's more than enough for me."

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