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*Kinda an adult theme I guess? Also SUPER CLICHE IM SORRY. I hate myself for it, but I figured it was a must.*

"How long?" He murmured lowly into her ear, stroking the band of skin on show just above the waistband of her jeans.

"How long...what?" She replied, setting the kettle back down and she rested back against him. He rested his chin on her shoulder, turning his head and then nestled his lips closer to her ear.

"How long have you been fucking my best friend?"

Natasha turned her head to look at him, abandoning the coffee she had been stirring on the counter as she tried to face him. It took a lot more effort than she had planned as he gave her virtually no room to do so, a precaution so she couldn't run from this. She finally managed to look up to him fully, only for him to pin her there against the counter when she did. "James, what are you talking about? I'd-"

"Cut the bullshit, Natasha!" He stated coldly, eyes like daggers into her soul. "Don't make me ask you again."

She struggled slightly, gripping at his waist to try and push him away but he was unmoving, solid like a statue. "James, jeez, give me some space-" He leaned into face, ignoring her request completely and holding her gaze intently as he glared at her, voice deep and more threatening this time around as he continued.

"A week? A month? A year? Hmm?"

She stared back up at him, eyes wide as she read his, anger dominating over the hurt and betrayal he obviously felt. She tried to look away, uncomfortable with how he was acting, blood turning icy cold in her veins, but he firmly pulled her chin back to look up at him, her mouth forming a tight line in response. "How long has that sneaky bastard been crawling into our bed?"


"I saw Steve's messages when he went to the bathroom at work. Stupidly left his phone on the desk. Wide open for the word to see." He told her, releasing her chin. "Interesting that you're meant to be going out with the girls tonight, and someone with your name and number is meeting up with him. A night in by the fire wearing next to nothing and and you just. Can't. Wait. For him to..." He growled in disgust, unable to repeat fully what he had read. "He seems pretty eager to get back to what he was missing too."

Natasha kept staring at him, gripping the counter as she tried to get away. "James," her voice was shaking and the tears were already forming in her eyes. She knew he knew everything. Steve would have admitted it when faced with the confrontation, crumbled just like she was doing now.

It wasn't like her, any of this. She could lie if she wanted too, worm her way out of this if she wanted to. She could have also stayed faithful. Ignored the stupid thrill of something... different.

It was instant regret, but she had to deal with the consequences. She couldn't fight, he was already done.

"I want to hear you say it." He hissed at her, "Tell the truth. Have you been taking me for an idiot all the fucking time?"

He waited for an answer but she couldn't find her voice again to give him one. The coffee mug behind her was swiped off the counter so it smashed violently onto the floor. "TELL ME!" He bellowed.

"5 MONTHS! Okay?! It started 5 months ago, you were away in Europe." She admits, closing her eyes and hanging her head in defeat, pressing her palm to her forehead. "It...fuck, it was a stupid mistake that I should've stopped and I didn't! I don't know why!" He had been working, a shift he couldn't get out of, and she had been drinking while celebrating Pepper' birthday. They were all they, laughing, joking, flirting...then she was falling into the trap of excitement and forbidden betrayal. Trading what she had for something so deliciously wrong.

He released her, pushing off the counter to give her some space, backing away from her not that she put up a fight. She knew she had lost.

"It's happened three time." She admitted, her voice as small as she felt, numb as she swallowed. "The texting, that's mostly talk."

"But you'd be going there tonight?" He stop in the middle of running his hand through his hair. She said nothing in reply, and he scoffed. Laughing once at her completely bottomless argument.

"Pack your bags, and get the fuck out." He told her bluntly, grabbing his car keys. "I'll be gone until tomorrow morning, I don't care where you go, but you won't be here in the morning. Understand? Head to Steve's, he will definitely still expect you." He yanked the door open, casting her a final glance of heartbreak. Then hatred. "I suggest picking up some ice on your way. That pretty face of his is a bloody mess at the minute."

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