The Winter Soldier

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Set during Captain America: The Winter Solider

Natasha had only just recently removed herself from a hot shower and changed into a black tank top and jeans, ready to switch her mind off with a book or tv show like most nights when she had the luxury of being in her own apartment. She had missed it, unexpectedly grown fond of the little space in the city she could call her own and having been away for a few days on a mission with Captain Rodgers, she was happy to return.

Flicking on some music, she floated around the open kitchen, grabbing some fresh water as she opened the fridge trying to decide if she had anything she could fashion a meal out of. Before she could get to work, a small bump caught her attention even over the faint hum of the music playing, and she quietly shut the fridge as she peered around it, down the hallway towards her bedroom.

There was nothing, no further sound or indication of movements, but she knew she wasn't alone. She slowly set her glass down and replaced it with a large kitchen knife that she kept a firm grip on as she waited. She peered around the corner again, met with the same dark empty hallway and silently crept forward. She inched along slowly, agile like a cat as she watched a shadow shift quickly on the ground by the bedroom door before she launched the knife towards the doorway. It missed the figure now advancing towards her, but only just, and embedded itself in the wooden frame with a sharp thud. Before she could even recover, it was on her at an inhumane speed and she felt hands grab her wrist, one human, one metal, forcing her back against the wall, pinning her there firmly.

"You!" she hissed, giving an irritated huff as her body relaxed, recovering from the shock while her eyes adjusted onto the expressionless male in front of her. "What are you doing here?"

He didn't reply, roughly pressing his lips to hers in a firm kiss, releasing her arms to hold her waist instead. She indulged him for just a moment, before sharply punching him in the gut so he grunted and released her lips. "That doesn't answer my question. You think you can just show up after a few years and kiss me like that?"

He straightened up again as he stubbornly leaned his face close to hers, staying quiet like he always did at first, still struggling with his own mind. The guilt of his little adventure to find her.

"Well at least I know you're not here to kill me," she murmured, searching his face as he watched his eyes narrow, a frown taking hold of his features along with a trace of anger. She tilted her head slightly, raising a brow at the expression. "What? I can't hold a grudge about that?"

"I'm not here to talk, Natalia," He grumbled, a fleeting expression of hurt passing his eyes before he dipped his lips to her neck, kissing the soft skin there.

"I know that." She mused, "You're here to forget." She let her head fall back against the wall, letting him trail warm kisses against her neck as her hands combed their way into his hair.

He paused ever so slightly in his actions, before lifting her to encourage her legs to wrap around him, which she did. He was deeply troubled, she could sense it, he always was when he came to find her which was more often than she expected. Still a secret between them even after all this time.

It had been years since they'd seen one another, the last time being in Prague while she was on mission alone. It annoyed her that she could never find him, but he could always find her, and sometimes, if he happened to be in the area, he'd surprise her like this.

She knew he didn't remember everything about them, but he remembered enough to know he could go to her. A feisty red head that could handle him, make him smirk and silence the buzzing in his head for an hour or two. He knew she was someone that could relate, understand him and treat him like a human being rather than a machine. She could accept that, if it meant knowing he was alive and well to pay her fleeting visits, she'd live with it.

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