Christmas Surprise.

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Natasha sat in the chair by the fire, legs tucked under herself as she flicked onto the next page of her book. She loved the peacefulness in the tower, especially after the festivities of Christmas Eve earlier on, everyone else now tucked up in bed. By the light of the tree, she was comfortable in her little nest, in her own little world.

Until it was interrupted most unexpectedly.

A shadow was first to announce his arrival, and she glanced up half heartedly at first, about to mutter a hello until her eyes really focused on him. Through the glow of the fire and tree lights, she could make out the definition of the muscles on his chest, strong and firm that mapped out his anatomy perfectly. She follows his abs down to the waistband of his black sweatpants, then back up to his chest and chiseled jaw. On top of his head, he wore a Santa hat, and on his lips, the most confident smirk she'd ever seen.

She set her book down, not hiding the half smirk on her lips. "Wow." She raised a brow as she trailed her eyes up and down once more. "Can I help you?"

Bucky has his arms behind his back, metal glistening as he took a few steps forward, admiring her so cosy on the armchair. Things were new, for them. Well, new the second time around. But not so new that this wouldn't be welcomed.

"That depends on if you're happy to be on the naughty list tonight."

Her eyebrows shot up in amusement, and she abandoned the book on the arm of the chair as she straightened up. "I've been trying to change my ways, so perhaps staying on Nice list wouldn't be so bad?" She took great pleasure in the furrow of his brow as he thought up an answer to her incorrect one.

"Ah, but it's not nearly as fun as your other option."

She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she tilted her head. "Alright then, humour me. What's the naughty list got in store."

Looking much more pleased with himself, he produced a strand of mistletoe from behind his back and held it above her head. Natasha glanced up, smirking and rolled her eyes. "What a cliche."

"Old but good. Much like me." He winked, making her softly laugh as he dangled the mistletoe from side to side.. "You also get a pretty good gift." He smirked down at her. "I mean, it's more of an exchange really. I'll unwrap a few things and in return I have something you can unwrap too..."

"Oh my god," she laughed, "Please stop talking,"

"Is my festive pick up lines not working?" He grinned leaning in closer, lips inches from hers as she hummed softly.

"It's actually more a borderline workplace harassment." She glanced up to the mistletoe then him. "However, since it's the holidays I'm prepared to let it slide."

"So that's a definite on the Naughty list then?" He confirmed, free hand already tracing along one of her legs.

"I'm sure I'm already on there anyhow, don't you think?" She looked at him with a lustful stare, and it was all he needed.

He wasted no time pressing his lips onto hers, a slow sincere kiss that escalated with parted lips and soft tongues that dancing and deepening together as arms wrapped around one another. It had been so long, too long, in between missions and flirtatious passing comments. They'd forgotten how good it was with one another, how right it seemed to feel. A habit that neither could break. Her legs hooked around his waist as he lifted her off the chair, standing upright and keeping her clinging to him as her hands roamed his hair while they paused for a moment to catch their breath.

"Can I unwrap my gift yet?" She murmured against his lips, smiling at his small chuckle. He abandoned the mistletoe and helped her pull her jumper off before pulling her lips back to him. She moaned softly against his mouth when his large hands roamed down her bare back and then to her ass, cupping and squeezing it gently as their make out session reached a steamier stage. His lips grazed her neck, nipping softly to make her bite her lip at the shots of pleasure it gave her, a shiver trembling down her back as his hands reached to unclasp her bra.


They both froze. Eyes bursting open and pulling their lips apart quickly as they whipped their heads towards the call of distress.

Tony Stark stood in the doorway, a horrified and shocked look on her face as his jaw hung open. He snapped his hand over his eyes as Bucky and Natasha separated quickly, Natasha grabbing her jumper to cover herself with.

"Jesus, Tony!" She grumbled, face flushed with embarrassment as Bucky cleared his throat awkwardly and attempted to explain.

"We, uh, we...were just."

"ABOUT TO FUCK?!" Tony shouted, causing the two guilty parties to hush him.

"Shut up!" Natasha hissed.

"Aw man, I never saw this coming! Holy shit, you two?! Fuck, I'm not drunk enough for this." He shook his head, grabbing his water as he started to laugh, a mixture of nervous awkward laughter and glee at the gossip he now knew and could spread. "You guys enjoy your night, just don't ruin that rug and maybe lock the door? Hope Christmas doesn't come too early, eh Buckaroo?"

Bucky shot him a glare as Natasha threw a pillow at him, "Get the fuck out Tony!"

The billionaire dodged the flying cushion and disappeared again, chuckling away to himself as the two were left standing awkwardly in the living room. She eventually groaned, hiding her face in his chest as he chuckled, embarrassed as he hid his face in her hair.

"Wish I'd just wished you a Merry Christmas the normal way now..."

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