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*set in that alternative reality I've created after infinity war where everything is fine and there's no need for endgame🙃*

They had returned home to the Avengers tower, slowly settling back into regular life in their own spaces once again. Days in the office, gym sessions, missions abroad and, for Peter Parker, school dances.

He stood in the middle of open kitchen with Natasha, table pushed to the side for more room as he stood in his shiny black shoes, head to toe in a black suit, while Natasha was dressed more casual. Her feet were bare, legs fully covered in her gym wear leggings and a T-shirt.

"C'mon Nat it's no use," he groaned, disheartened by Sam's sniggering and Bucky appearance at he joined them, pouring a mug of coffee that Sam had made moments earlier. He was still drinking his while Natasha's sat cooling on the side.

"Ignore him, you're doing fine." She assured, her hand resting on his shoulder as his rested on her waist. She gave the hand she was holding a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm only doing fine because you're leading." He sighed, letting her guide him back and spin her around once.

"Then take control." She raised her brows, easing off a little so he could guide her in time to the music that was playing over the speakers. Her feet arched as she moved in balletic like motions that came to her naturally, while Peter did his best to guide her carefully and elegantly around the room.

"You call that control?" Sam snorted, setting his mug down and sauntering over towards them, arrogant as always. "You gotta throw some movement into it. Don't be so rigid. Let it flow." He slid his hands onto Natasha waist from behind, guiding her from side to side as he demonstrated. Bucky tensed his jaw slightly, the vein running up his neck becoming more prominent for a slight moment as he was unable to look away.

No one but Natasha noticed, because her eyes went straight to his when she felt Sam's hand rest in her waist and then slip almost unnoticeably to her hips.

Peter frowned automatically letting go, allowing Sam to try and prove his point by swaying with Natasha to the music, but not for long. She rested her hands over his, pulling him closer into her back as she turned her head slightly, inviting him to take the bate which he did. He gently pressed into her back, and she slowly eased her hips back against his until she heard his short gasp. Then, she expertly swivelled away from his hold, while simultaneously guiding him into Peter's arms so the pair collided unexpectedly and separated quickly. Bucky chuckled as Natasha just smirked innocently, heading to pick up her own coffee mug from the counter beside Bucky.

Sam looked at her with narrowed eyes. "Damn, Romanoff. Why do you have to spoil my fun? Can't you like your men like you like your coffee?" He mused out loud, teasing as always.

"Oh but I do. A little bit cold, very strong and extra bitter." She smirked against the rim of the mug, quirking her eyebrows as Sam gave a hearty laugh and Peter sniggered along too, both missing the exchange right under their noses. She had quickly cast a look up to Bucky, her emerald irises flashing up through her eyelashes seductively which he replied to with a small quirks of his lips onto a smirk. He watched her innocently sip her caffeine, wondering if it was actually the root of her evil powers, watching the shine on her plump lips glisten when she set the cup back down.

"I could be all those things, you just don't give me or anyone else the chance," Sam complained with another chuckle.

"Because I know you'd let me down." She shrugged, smiling sweetly. "That's what men do."

She gave him another look, one that showed he was excluded from this assumption. Bucky silently sipped his coffee, raising his brows as he turned his focus on the woman entering the room now.

"Sam, we've got to go, Cap's waiting. Peter, Happy is in the car outside." Wanda stated, looking between each of the people she was addressing before her eyes fell on Natasha and Bucky. "What are you two up too?"

"Drinking coffee," Natasha replied before nodding to Bucky. "And brooding,"

"You know I can read minds, right?" Wanda smirked at Natasha.

Bucky cleared his throat, awkwardly taking a step back while Natasha coolly narrowed her eyes in return, before raising a questioning brow in amusement.

"How very brave of you to do." Natasha murmured quietly, no doubt thinking of the worst possible things to get Wanda out her head.

Wanda's cheeks instantly flushed red, and she cleared her throat. "Geez, alright guys, let's move it," she huffed, moving out the room with Sam and Peter following. "We can leave these two to enjoy each other's company," she muttered under her breath.

Only when they were alone did he speak.

"What were you thinking?" He asked, amused by the sweet smirk that accompanied her seemingly innocent shrug.

"If I tell you, it won't happen." She leaned up for the counter she was resting against, setting her coffee down. "It's in your best interest that it does happen."

"Yeah?" He half smirked, abandoning his coffee too as he reached for her possessively, encircling his arms around her as he felt her slowly sway from side to side.

"Mmhmm, But first." She took hold of one of his hands, "Dance with me."

He obeyed, expertly moving with her around to the music that was still playing. He held her waist while doing so, letting his hand creep beneath her clothing to stroke the smooth skin there, enjoying the feeling of it in his hand.

"Am I better than Sam?" He grumbled lowly, his face close to hers.

"Is that jealousy I sense?" She bit her lip, leaning into him.

"I don't like how he is around you." He frowned, tightening his hold of her.

"He doesn't know that I'm with you." She smiled, using her free hand to stroke his face. "He'll back off when he finds out. Until then, we have each other all to ourselves."

"Good, because I'm not sharing."

"Neither am I."

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