Highschool AU

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

James groaned as Natasha switched her alarm off with a sigh, curling her arms back into the warmth of her bed. She felt his arm remain limp around her, his steady breathing confirming he had zero intentions of moving.

"You know you are late for practice, right?" She mumbled, and he shot up like a bullet fired from a gun.

"FUCK!" He hissed, and Natasha kept her eyes shut as she smirked listening to him snatch at his clothes that were somewhere on the floor of her room. "Where the fuck is my T-shirt?" He grumbled after a moment, and Natasha peaked up at him through one open eye as he stood in the middle of the room. His hair was messy, and his muscles in his arms tensed as he held his arms up in frustration.

"You mean, the one I'm wearing?" She raised a brow before closing her eyes and trying to secure her last few minutes of snoozing. She could feel the incredulous look he was giving her.

"Nat, I need my T-shirt." He said, and she shrugged her shoulders lazily.

"You look perfectly fine without it," she could hear the rain pattering against her window, no doubt the reason he whined in annoyance.

"Give me the damn T-shirt, Romanoff." He huffed with a laugh, and she sighed as she sat up in the bed.

"Fine." She replied airily, pulling it over her head to reveal she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She smirked as she threw it at him, his reaction time not on point since he was too busy ogling her. Natasha turned her back on him as she pulled the sheets around her.

"You know...maybe I could miss practice and-"

"Natasha! You'll be late for Track, are you awake?!" Her mother called from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be down in ten!" She called back, raising her brow at James. "I think you've already overstayed your welcome."

"How the fuck am I meant to get out if your Mom is awake!!" He whispered urgently, pulling his T-shirt on and finding his shoes.

"The same way you came in." Natasha shrugged, stretching out still covered under the blankets.

James scoffed, "Um, I'm not climbing out the window."

"I think you are," Natasha smirked, now leaning up on her elbows. "Unless you want to meet my Dad, though I do think you require your arms not to be in plaster casts for swimming."

"Very funny." He grumbled, opening up her window and eyeing up the best route to get down. Meanwhile Natasha slipped out of bed and grabbed her robe, returning to press a kiss on the side of his neck.

"Go get your speedos on, swim team will be expecting their best guy." she smiled as he eased his way onto the window ledge and let his legs dangle out.

"You love me in my speedos." He teased, smirking until she tickled his arm.

"And you love to watch all us track girls running in sports bras."


"Pervert." She joked darkly back, kissing him back when his twisted back so his lips collided onto hers. He kept a tight grip so he didn't lose his balance.

"You're fucking irresistible, even when you are being a pain in the ass," he murmured, and she smiled on his lips.

"Shut up and get out," she replied lovingly, leaning back to let him manoeuvre his way out to the ground. She watched the strong muscles in his arms ripple as he did so and found herself longing to pull him back up into bed.

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