I'm sorry...

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Authors Note

I mean, me personally.

Has anyone done this before?

If not, I'm sorry.

And if they have, I'm also sorry.

I'm so sorry.

This came into my head and...ta da?????


So Sorry.




Natasha sat on the edge of the jagged rock, resting her elbows against her knees as she stared at the purplish hue of the ground ahead of her. She linked her hands together, squeezing her fingers tightly in between one another as she kept hunched over and her mouth in a thin line.

"You know, maybe he's making this shit up." She heard from beside her, the scuffing of a boot kicking a rock off into the distance distracting her from her plotting.

She knew that was wrong.

"No. I don't think so," she spoke, keeping her eyes trained ahead. Her mind was made up, she was doing this, but she wasn't going to admit that yet or even look at him until she had come to terms with her own decision.

"Why?" He said unconvinced, pacing back and forth. "Because he knows your Daddy's name?" He teased slightly, trying not to turn the situation as serious as they feared it to be.

That thought irritated her mind. Ivan. Daughter of Ivan. Was that really her fathers name? Did she really have a biological family out there? Or were they long gone like half of her current one.

"Thanos left here with the stone," she continued, pushing the thought out of her mind and she fidgeted with the end of her hair while shaking her head. "Without his daughter. That's not a coincidence."

There was silence as she finally said it out loud, no noise of correction from the floating being by the edge of the cliff, assuring her she was correct. The Red Skull has spoken the truth. It was their only horrific option and she knew what needed to happen.

"Whatever it takes." She whispered softly to herself, but it didn't fail to land on the ears of her partner a short distance away.

She cursed his Supersonic hearing.

"Whatever it takes," He murmured, looking off towards the horizon of the planet. He spoke with certainty that scared her slightly, and she knew she'd have to make her move now.

This was the worst possibly situation they could be in, and selfishly she had considered turning around and descending the steps back to the ship to return empty handed.  She would have him, and he would have her and they could continue their days together, but they'd never be happy. Not truly, the guilt would eat them alive.

"James," she looked up to him, standing up and moving in front of him. "If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead," she picked her words carefully, forcing herself to stare into his blue eyes with determination. She could tell he was thinking the same as her, plotting in his mind like she had.

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