New Agent

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"You're going to have to be a lot quieter, Bud!" She whispered quickly, guiding the stray onto the carpet so his claws wouldn't make anymore noise against the hardwood floor. He was sniffing things eagerly, zigzagging through the living room panting as his large tail wagged and bounced off the unfamiliar pieces of furniture.

"Shhh hey! C'mere!" She glanced towards the bedroom, listening for movement or a voice, relaxing a little when she heard nothing. She coaxed the large Retriever mixed with some other fluffier, larger breed so he had shiny deep golden fur, back towards her where he came and sat happily in front of her. He lay down when she commanded him too, letting her get another look at the gash on his leg.

"Stay...." she whispered cautiously holding up her hands. She was grateful that he listened, laying his head down with a soft whine, the bushy tail still wagging away, large blue eyes watching her.

She collected some warm water in a bowl, some fresh bandages from the first aid kit and got to work carefully cleaning and re-bandaging the wound. It would do for tonight, and she smiled softly as the beast whimpered again but let her fix him. Blue eyes watching her carefully, but trusting her. He licked her hand in thanks when she was done and nuzzled his furry head against her leg as she petted him.

"Good dog." She smiled, cleaning up and setting down some food and water for him. She smirked shaking her head as he lapped up the water and huffed into it so it sprayed out onto the floor before he started on his food. She was curious as to how her mission took such an unexpected turn.

She should have been home hours ago, if she hadn't met the curious stray in an alleyway who, after being kicked unexpectedly by who she was pursuing, decided to help her out when she had him pinned and wrapped up by tugging on his pant leg viciously so the man panicked and confessed to pretty much everything. It was lucky he had a fear of dogs.

She send the criminal on his way with a SHEILD team and then thanked her new agent by getting him into a late night groomers, bought some food, a warm bed, all with good intentions to give him a warm room for the night.

She couldn't leave him alone in her living room, just like she couldn't leave the big lovable lump of fluff on the streets. She could feel his bones beneath the mounds of fur when she pet him, his fluff making him look healthier than he was. She made sure he ate and patted his bed several times while he just watched her waiting, a faux look of confusion on his furry features. She sat on the sofa and pointed to the bed again, but he'd been waiting for this and jumped straight up on the sofa beside her.

"No no no, down. Not up here!" She snapped her fingers once, pointing to the floor and he whined again, loudly, like he knew she didn't want him too, and licked her face several times as she tried to pull away. It only gave him more room to curl up with her.

"Okay okay!" She huffed, still in a whisper and already half laying on the sofa. "We will discuss it in the morning." She said sternly, irritated by herself as she melted at the puppy dog eyes he was giving her.

The Black Widow, ruthless spy, fearless agent, weakened by a ball of fluff.

She let him lay against her, well, mostly on her, forcing her to rest back against the pillows. Natasha couldn't help but smile at his goofiness, running her fingers through his soft fur with a sigh as his large paw stretched out over her. The dog sighed too, content as it lay his large head on her chest, instantly dozing off between her and the back of the sofa. There was something about the dog, a special kind of loyalty and bond that formed between them in the short time they'd know each other, and she appreciated it. She had planned to keep an eye on him all night, but perhaps a quick nap wouldn't be such a bad idea.

She woke in the morning, a large paw pushing down on one of her arms and a deep rumbling growl from just over her head. She frowned up at the dog, following its gaze towards a very confused, half asleep Bucky, who just stared opened mouthed in confusion.

"Be nice, he's a good guy." She told her new guard dog, rubbing his neck until he huffed and looked at her then back to Bucky.

"Are you talking to me or the mutt?"

Another sharp growl came from her new protector. "Hey!" She frowned, leaning up so she could turn and look at him. "He's not a mutt, be nice!"

The dog barked once almost in agreement and Bucky blinked in confusion. "When did you appear with a dog?"

"It's a long story..." she eased him off and got to her feet, brushing herself down to get rid of some of the fluff on her. The dog ruffed once, jumping down and following her to Bucky cautiously. He growled again when Bucky reached out to hold her and kiss her good morning.

"If he's not going to let me do that, we are going to have a big problem." Bucky grumbled, Natasha rolling her eyes and crouched to pet the dogs head, tugging Bucky down too.

"No more growling." She told the dog. "You too." She raised a brow at Bucky, "There's plenty of me to go around. Get to know one another while I shower."

She smirked as she disappeared, glancing at the both staring one another down, Bucky still at eye level with the dog. She shook her head and headed into the bathroom.

He extended out his good hand slowly, letting the dog sniff it before he let him pet his head. Once Bucky found his weak spot behind his right ear, he shook his back leg happily and rolled onto his back for more scratches. Bucky laughed once through his nose, rubbing both hands carefully across the dog as his tongue now stuck out of his mouth happily.

"Idiot." He commented half heartedly, "Maybe you aren't that bad...You like cereal?" Bucky asked the dog, watching it cock it's head to one side, licking its lips once. "I'll take that as a yes."

When Natasha returned from her shower freshly changed, she smirked seeing the game now going on in the kitchen. Bucky was tossing pieces of cereal for the dog to catch playfully, his bushy tail wagging again as he leaped for the pieces.

"I like him more now he's not ready to rip my good arm off." Bucky concluded with a nod, an excuse that made Natasha raise both eyebrows with a grin.

"He's a big softy. All bark and no bite." She sighed, ruffling the dogs ears as she kneeled beside him. "I know someone else like that."

Bucky raised a brow but smiled, shaking his head. "So how long do we have him for?"

Natasha pursed her lips, looking up to Bucky. "Well I though about taking him to the dog shelter. Where all the other dogs with no homes go," she pressed a soft kiss to the dogs head and loosely slung her arms around his neck as he wagged his tail at the affection. "And they sit in cages all day, get basic food, not a lot of love..." she sighed again, keeping her eyes on Bucky. "No warm beds. Not a lot of friends to play with..."

"Alright Nat," He frowned, looking at the pair on the ground staring up at him with puppy dog eyes. "I get what you're doing, and it's not going to..."

She was ignoring him, already laughing as the dog sprawled onto its back, taking Natasha down to floor level in the process. She boop-ed him on the nose gently before scratching the sweet spots to make him pant wildly with happiness. Bucky sighed, smiling as he leaned on the counter, waiting to regain her attention and knowing the battle was lost with him as soon as he saw how happy this made her.

"What are we going to call him?"

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