Happy New Year?

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"Hate to break up your little party here," Natasha's husky voice caught Steve and Bucky's attention and they turned on the small fire escape to face her as she climbed out the window. "But Sharon is looking for you Steve, something about the extra bottle of champagne?"

"Ah, they are in the spare room. I'll go get them." He smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder as he squeezed by her, slipping in the window once more. Bucky have her a small smile, which she returned.

"Escaping the crowd?" He asked in his deep voice, soft and warming. She cast her eyes back through the window to their friends all gathered in Sharon and Steve's apartment. Cramped, but cosy.

"Escaping the heat, mostly." She gave a soft laugh, her breath creating wisps of smoke against the freezing air. She balanced her bottle on the flat  railing of the fire escape as she folded her arms around herself to keep her warm, her black polo neck less that appropriate for the weather.

She preferred the cold though, and it was refreshing compared to the clammy heat created in the apartment with bodies moving around everywhere. Bucky felt the same, and still had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, metal and real.

"What about you? Crowds or climate?" She have a smirk his way, watching him turn to face her.

"Both. New year isn't really my scene I suppose," he explained but she shook her head, red curls swaying across her shoulders.

"Not into fresh starts and resolutions you can't keep?" She looked out over the City, watching small fireworks in the distance as people celebrated the new year early.

"Are you?" He looked over to her, "Looking for a fresh start this year?"

Her green eyes held his as he eased closer to her on the small escape. She kept her mouth shut for a moment, pressing them to tight line briefly as she tried to work out what he was really asking. 

"Are you starting fresh with Bruce?" He asked, quieter, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I...we haven't..." she frowned at how speechless she was, even when caught off guard she would never show it. "James, I've told you before, please don't start this now..."

"Natalia," he breathed, cupping her cheek with his large hand. "I can't get you off my mind, I know it's confusing-"

"No. You don't know." She said firmly, pushing his hand down away from her. "I waited for you for a long time, longer than I care to admit. It took me years to move on from you, and I know it's not your fault, and it wasn't you but we are different people now. I'm different. I want different things and ... I was just a kid, James. I've grown up, I've found someone new. You can't just come back and expect everyone to feel the same.." she ran her fingers through her hair as she dropped her head to ignore his hurt look.

"You haven't given me the chance to show you that maybe it'll still work," he pleaded, almost desperately. Almost successfully.

"James," she sighed, covering her face as she shook her head. "I can't, I don't want to."

A chant began from the apartment, and from far off in the streets below and around them as the count down began.

"10, 9, 8..."

"Nat, please." He took her hand as she went to head back inside. "I want to best for you and it's not him." He frowned.

"Oh, and it is you?!" She glared at him, stopping to turn back to him. "I can make my own decisions, I'm a grown woman."

"7, 6, ..."

"He left you Nat, by choice! He chose to leave!"

"You left too! Regardless of circumstances you still left! Things are never the same after that!"

"5, 4.."

"He doesn't know how to treat you right!"

"How do you know? More importantly, Who asked for your opinion?"

"I'm telling you because I care so god damn much about you still! You're wasting your time. "


"You don't know the first thing about me!"

"I know it'll end in heartbreak."

"Well you taught me all about that, so I'm prepared."


"I can't help what I feel!"

"Neither can I!"



He pulled her back to him sharply, pressing him lips firmly against hers, forceful at first and then softer as he realised how urgent he had been. He was horrified by his urgency, and all but expected her to punch or flip him off to the alley below.

But she didn't.

She was tense at first, shocked and no doubt angry. But then she returned it, just as urgent and passionate at him. Her hands were in his hair, tugging him closer as his large hands roamed down her sides with one cupping the curve of her ass slightly to hitch her leg up. She moaned into his mouth, deepening their kiss as he pressed his body flush against hers, needing the contact from her. Only when they broke apart for breath did he sigh her name and move his lips to kiss her neck a few times before letting her guide them back to hers for another hungry kiss. She'd missed him, she'd missed this, no matter how hard she tried to move on. This was why she's avoided him so long, she knew she'd crumble, indulge in him for at least one moment.

"Happy new year." He murmured against her lips, and she looked  up into his eyes as he rested his forehead on hers.

"New year, new beginnings." She lightly pushed him off of her, turning back towards the window where their friends were hugging and wishing each other the best for the upcoming year inside. He watched her, slightly confused before the dread slowly gripped at him.

"Start over James. Start fresh." She sighed, slipping back in and disappearing in hugs of celebration. "It's a new year after all."

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