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Just going to put this here so people can reply easier 😌 just and overall update!

I do have things in the works for oneshots... and by that I mean 1 story that I may not post because I'm not all that happy with it at the moment...😬


I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas or requests to perhaps spur on my imagination?

Angst? Sad? Happy? Romantic? AUs? Love? Hate? Past? Present? Future?

Should I continue "Broken" like I have with "Risk"?

"Risk" and "Eternity" are due and update soon! (Promise🤞, I'm just not sure when.)

I maaaaaaay update my Clint&Natasha story which I low key LOVE, but it doesn't get a lot of recognition so I feel I'm the only one 😂😂

I have a Romanogers idea in the works. That I can play about with too. Maybe change it to a buckynat one?

I'm rambling a bit...


What would you guys like to see more of?

Do you have any ideas or prompts?

Any storylines you'd like to see me write?

I'd be interested to know.

Thanks! ❤️😘

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