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She was less than amused to see him.

He was extremely amused to be there.

"Good morning." He smirked patronisingly, and she glared up at him. It was 2am and there was nothing good about this morning as far as she was concerned.

"If you're going to be smug about this, I suggest you just fuck off right now." She hissed and he tutted disapprovingly at her language.

He heaved a heavy sigh and shrugged. "Okay. Bye!" He swivelled on his heel in and about turn but she grabbed his arm tightly in panic.

"No!...no.  Look, just, get in." She grumbled, maintaining her  'I don't need you' Attitude as much as she could while she shut the door behind him.

He walked in her apartment, looking around at the decor and nodding approvingly in the dim light. "Nice place."

She rolled her eyes, "Can we hurry up and do this so you can leave?"

He chuckled "Why don't we open some wine first, have a chat, play some music?" He watched the fire in her eyes flame again, watched her bite back the acidic remark she had on her tongue. She needed him. She knew that, so she held back.

"Barnes, I already did all my begging on the phone. Please don't make me go through this again." She frowned, while he pushed his hands in his pockets.

"I'm just surprised you phoned me. I thought you hated me."

"Hates a strong word." She frowned as her expression soften slightly. "I wouldn't even say I dislike you...except we are aiming that way. Plus, everyone else is out the country. And Tony would neeeeever let me hear the end of this if I asked him, so you are my only option. Don't feel special."

Bucky smiled at her, taking it as a compliment. It's the most she would give, "Alright then Doll, where do you need me?"

She peered down the hallway, pointing to the room at the end. "Bedroom,"

He nodded and started down the dark hall, turning back to see she hadn't moved. "You aren't coming with me?"

"Absolutely fucking not." She shook her head quickly, folding her arms across her chest as she shuddered.

He chuckled softly, heading in alone to her bedroom and flicking on the large light. Her bed covers had been thrown away in a panic, half off the bed and spilling onto the floor. There was also an abundance of shoes scattered, a can of hairspray and a rolled up magazine. All weapons used in attempt to kill what could only be described as the worlds most colossal spider in the corner of the ceiling.

It took Natasha 10 minutes to work up the courage to attack it. Then a further hour to call for backup.

It took Bucky less than 10 seconds to capture it in a cup and discard it out the window into the night.

"It's safe to return!" He called to her, hearing the hesitance as she took a few steps down the hall.

"Are you sure? Did you kill it?" She called back, slowly peering her head around the door way and looking straight up to the spot the spider had been.

"Nah, I threw it out the window." He shrugged and she gasped quickly.

"You didn't kill it?!"

"It's outside!"

"It could come back!" She muttered quietly, hating how irrational the fear was and how stupid it made her sound. Bottom line though, was she was still terrified.

Bucky couldn't help but laugh softly. "I promise, it's gone and won't come back. You need me to check the rest of the place for spiders too?" He jokingly asked, watching as her wide eyes stared up at him in awe.

"Would you?"

"Oh my god..." he smiled, watching as she kept glancing around the room just incase her new pet made an appearance. "The Black Widow isn't just scared of spiders, you're completely terrified of them."

"It's an unfortunate name!" she huffed, defeatedly. "Why do you think my emblem isn't a big stupid spider." She visably shivered again at the thought. "They're revolting."

He just stared at her in amusement, "You have to admit it's kinda of funny..."

She sighed in defeat, dropping her arms. "Okay, it's kind of ironic yes. But not funny."

"Even if there was one crawling on your shoulder right now?"

Her eyes widened in horror. She moved so quick and so violently that he thought he may have taken the joke too far.

Only when he was near an exit and with enough distance between them did he say,

"Just kidding..."

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