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Just a quick one i forgot I wrote forever ago.


James heard her keys in the lock far too late, too absorbed in his sinful act to notice it in time. He scrambled up from the couch he was laying on in just some sweatpants, and got to his feet just as she stepped into the apartment, before he could hide any evidence.

He'd been caught.

Natasha eyes widened as she entered, taking in his appearance at him frozen in place and then glancing past him, her green eyes immediately darkening with a glare.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She hissed, flickering her eyes back to him as she loudly dropped her keys onto the table by the door. Her voice was laced with shock, her stance already widened as she tried to decide if she was running from this, or fighting it.

"Nat, it's not what it looks like-"

"It's exactly what it looks like!" She snapped back, practically throwing her bag into the armchair nearest her. "What, did you think I wouldn't find out?! That you'd blag your way- Oh god!" She covered her eyes quickly as something behind him caught her eyes.

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon, I thought you'd be back tomorrow." He admitted in defeat,  rambling quickly as he looked at her. "Babe, I'm sorry's really not that big of a deal."

That was the wrong thing to say, and her eyebrows shot up in shock as her jaw opened a little. "Not that big of a deal, huh? You're a selfish bastard, James Barnes."

She turned away from him, heading to their bedroom. "Nat, c'mon, it-"

"Fuck you." She slammed the door behind her, the wooden frame shaking a little with the force.

He did think she was being childish and overreacting, but immediately he still felt guilty. After all, she had obviously returned home to surprise him, curl up with him on the couch after a gruelling week of stressful missions to relax with him.

And he'd done the one thing he promised he wouldn't do.

Watch the finale episode without her.

And boy, she was serious about her Game of Thrones.

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