AU - Broken (now its own book)

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Natasha Romanoff was a single mother.

In a sense.

Every day she woke up at 5:30am, showered and got changed, cleaning her home, made her son a fresh lunch for the day, and then breakfast for when he woke up. She'd do laundry, make a list of groceries for the end of the week, and once everything was in order she'd wake her son for kindergarten.

She would sit on the edge of his bed, turning off his nightlight and nuzzle him with soft motherly kisses and tickles until he awoke giggling and happy, hiding from her beneath his dinosaur covered blankets. He was a good kid, smart too, and little Peter (whether it was consciously or not) always seemed to make her life easier. One of the many reasons she loved him so much.

He rarely threw tantrums like other kids his age. He was quiet, but friendly, a little bubble of confidence and excitement about him that nothing could diminish. He adored playing outside, he adored his mother, he always wanted to help others. The old lady carrying groceries, his mom with cooking, Uncle Clint with his projects and stories, and making his Dad smile, when he saw him.

He clambered out of bed, giving Natasha a tight little bear hug which she returned before shooing him off the get ready. She watched him run to his wardrobe to find his outfit for today, and followed him to help, running her fingertips through his soft brown hair as he pulled out a little red jumper she approved.

Once the morning routine had run its course, she would either drive to work with him or take the subway on less busy days or when the weather was nice. Today was the latter, and she held his hand as they walked to the station, chatting and laughing.

"You're wearing your tall shoes to work today, Momma!" Peter giggled, pointing at her heels that always made him laugh. He told her before he liked the clip-clip sound they made when she walked.

She smiled softly down at him, soaking in his innocence as she chuckled to hide her guilt. "Important day means important shoes." She bopped his nose to make him laugh again, and crouched down to fix his backpack which had loosened around his shoulders.

"You know Momma loves you lots," she said softly, stroking his cheek as she fixed him. He nodded confidently.

"To the moon and back." He stated, making her heart warm.

"That's right little Bud, the moon and back" she kissed his cheek, scooping him up to hold him while the took the busy rush hour train into the city.

"Can we go see Uncle Clint after school? Or Dad? Miss May says we are making paintings today and I want to show them!"

Natasha fixes her eyes on his round face and tried not to let her smile falter. "We can see them if they aren't busy, sweetheart. I promise."

When she dropped him at school, watching him run off to play with friends, she waved a goodbye to him before checking her watch and quickly heading off.

It's what's best for him. For everyone. She told herself again as she made her way back to the subway. Meanwhile in her mind, she was running over the pros and cons the rest of today would bring, hoping the pros outweighed the latter.

An hour or so later, she walked into the court house with 1 minute to spare, her lawyer, Maria, giving her a sympathetic smile. "I was worried you'd be late."

"Everyone else had other plans, I had no one to get Peter to school. I've made it though." She shrugged apologetically and smoothed out her business suit.

"Work understand?" She asked and Natasha nodded. Truthfully, she worked hard enough that she'd be allowed days off when she wanted. Her boss admired her hard work and intelligence especially since she was young and ambitious. However she didn't like mixing her work with her personal life, work was for the office.

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