All I want for Christmas

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"This is how accidents happen." Steve warned, cautiously watching the pair in front of him.

Two of his closest friends were by the tree in his apartment, a shower of pine needles around them and some still embedded in their jumpers from carrying up the flights of stairs earlier in the evening. The smell was beautifully overpowering, putting them all in the Christmas spirit as they had decorated the tree with lights and decorations. Thankfully, there had been no major arguments as of yet, minus the one his third friend, Sam Wilson, had with himself over untangling the Christmas tree lights. He had since given up, dropped himself into the nearest armchair and supervised the rest of the decorating while getting drunk on mulled wine. Natasha wasn't far behind him, but Bucky and Steve were both holding steady.

Bucky and Natasha turned their heads and shot Steve a grin at his warning, the redhead already perched on the Soldier's shoulders with a glass of mulled wine in one hand, and a decorative star for the top of the tree in the other.

"Relax, it's not Christmas if you don't nearly break your neck trying to put a star on the tree." Natasha smirked as she sipped the last of her of wine, handing the empty glass down to Bucky while he nodded in agreement.

"It's tradition." He shrugged carelessly, forgetting he still had Natasha on his strong shoulders. He froze as Natasha held his head, tensing a little to keep her balance which had been affected by the spiced Christmassy wine that was all too easy to drink.

"Woah! Okay, Buckaroo. Maybe try and not take your name too seriously and buck me right off?"

"It's not your first rodeo, Romanoff. You'll be fine." He winked, refilling her glass and setting it down on the table nearby for later, making sure to keep her balanced while doing so. It was no secret Bucky had been trying to win her over for some time now, there was obviously some level of attraction there on both parts and most definitely some secrecy. Still, despite Sam and Steve's teasing and speculation there was more to the story that what they told them, they remained with the line "they were just friends."

"Reminder, she could break your neck right now if she wanted to." Sam grinned, laughing at Natasha look of approval.

"What a way to go," Bucky murmured cheekily in reply. "Practically my Christmas wish to be In between the legs of a beautiful woma- Okay!" He hit her leg in a tapping out motion so she would relax the thigh hold she had constricting his windpipe, tightening it the more he spoke so his words at the end of his sentence came out forced and stuttered. He coughed and took a deep breath to steady himself.

"Well then, be careful what you wish for. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal." She frowned, causing Steve and Sam to burst into laughter.

While Bucky massaged his throat a little, she placed the star on the tree, placing her hands in her hips as she stepped back to admire it. "There! Perfect."

Steve smiled as he helped her down from her perch. "Many thanks Nat, couldn't have done it without you."

"Or her ladder." Bucky frowned, dropping himself onto the sofa, taking a swing of wine from his cup.

"You did good too, Buckaroo " Sam poured mockingly at him, causing Bucky to flip him off in reply. "Bah humbug to you,too."

Natasha took her wine and sat down beside Bucky as Steve sat beside her, the middle of a Christmas movie already on the Tv in the corner. In all of about 20 minutes, all four was dozing quietly together after all the excitement until the doorbell rudely interrupted them all.

"Pizza!" Sam explained as he jumped awake, pulling himself to his feet. Steve's eyes blinked open as Natasha jerked her head off Bucky's shoulder quickly. He grumbled rubbing his beard and watched Steve get up too.

"Better give him a hand. More wine?" Steve offered to them but the both shook their head.

Natasha was next to get up, smiling as Bucky groaned softly in protest. She leaned down to him, lighting dancing his fingers down his neck, making him tense and open his eyes to look up at her.

"I might have to get you a scarf for Christmas if that redness doesn't go down," she teased.

"No need, just kiss it better and we will call it even." He grinned innocently, watching her raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"You want me to kiss it better?" She repeated, leaning closer to him, her breath tickling the side of his neck. "You are really pushing you luck tonight, Barnes." She whispered, pulling back almost immediately and sliding out of his hold that was slowly snaking around her waist. "Add it to your Christmas list."

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