Au - Risk Part II

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Saturday mornings were usually his favourite time of the week. No early rises, no rushed breakfasts, just what felt like all the time in the world.

He climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping redhead at his side, and opened his curtains to view the city. It was a dull day despite it being spring, the faint pitter patter of rain already splashing against the window. He stretched as he turned, looking around for some sweatpants to pull on over the boxers he was already wearing when her voice caught his attention.

"You won't need those." She smirked, face half hidden in the pillow she was laying on, hair spread across it. He chuckled softly as he climbed back into bed, pulling her close around him as she murmured good morning.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, casting his hand through her soft hair.

"I'll tell you when I wake up." She nuzzled against his neck, slipping her leg over to straddle him as she pressed her lips to his chest. He let his hands caress her back lightly, keeping her close as her kisses made their way up to his neck, her eyes still closed.

"No hangover?" He asked, a reminder of her appearing from another college party, as she did most weekends, heels in hand, mini dress complimenting every inch of her.

"Fresh as a Daisy." She smiled, opening her eyes to meet his, showing her slight concern. "I didn't wake you too late, did I?"

"Not at all." He kissed her softly, savouring the sweetness of her lips on his. "I've gotten used to you appearing at 3am on a Friday night."

"I'd have came here earlier if I didn't have to take Wanda home before I left. We only have the weekend before I'm away for Spring break."

"Don't remind me." He groaned, and she warmed at his desperation to keep her there longer.

"You'll be the first person I visit once I'm back." She promised, grinning as she sat up, letting the covers fall off her back so she was exposed to the cool air of the apartment, still in just silk underwear and nothing more. He stroked his hand up her abdomen, smirking as she quivered as his touch reaches the waistband of her panties then trailed back up again. "That's if I ever find the willpower to leave."

James grinned, resting his hand on her hips, only encouraging her to lightly wriggle them once, teasing and electric. "Or if I can let you." He admitted exhaling softly.

Natasha quirked a brow playfully, leaning back to kiss his chest once more, hands lightly dragging her nails against his toned sides. "You'll miss me when I'm gone then?"

"More than you'll really know." He breathed, closing her eyes as she kissed his abs softly. She'd been a rock to him, and he never knew if she really understood how much of a dark place she had pulled him from. She hummed against him happily at his answer, a warm delicious tremble vibrating through him at the contact of her lips.  She smirked up at him, already prying at his boxers before keys in the door startled them, a look of confusion on her delicate features as she sat up, looking towards the bedroom door.

"Honey, I'm home." Came a call from the hallway, almost mockingly, followed by the slam of the door being closed. Natasha wiped her head back to his for an answer, only to see a complete look of shock on his features.

"Shit." He quickly pulled away from the bed, pulling the sweatpants on as the footsteps made there way towards them.

She was frozen, staring at him for an answer, or guidance as she pulled the covers up to her neck quickly when the door opened.

A woman, shoulder length brown hair and dressed in a beautiful business suit raised her brows, seemingly unsurprised but a flash of anger biting in her tone. "Good Morning." She looked down her nose at Natasha, barely sparing her a second glance before she smiled smoothly at James.

"Darling, you know how I feel about pets in the apartment, especially young strays."

"What are you doing here, Dot?!" He said, panicked? irritated? Natasha didn't know. She was speechless.

"I can't come home when I want?" She pouted slightly, dumping her large bag at her feet. "Last I checked this apartment did belong to me too."

Natasha scoffed. "I'm sorry, but who the hell are you?" She matched the woman's glare, pushing down the vulnerability welling in her chest, the embarrassment, the fear for her answer.

"I'm the wife." She stared blankly. "You must be the whore screwing my husband." She watched the girls jaw drop slightly, and turned back to James who was shaking his head in shock.

"Don't dare start-"

"Little young for you, don't you think?" She interrupted with a frown, pointing at Natasha with a shrug.

He didn't even dignify her with an answer, his only focus was Natasha, who was already pulling her dress on, searching for her bag and ready to walk out his life forever.

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