Chapter: 5: Who Are They?

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Smirking at the three bound men, Masako turned to us with a questioning gaze. Her dark eyes sparkled with intelligence and curiosity.

"What happened here? I wasn't gone for that long," she demanded, her voice sharp and commanding.

Ayumi leaned against the tree the men were tied up to, her arms folded across her chest. "These three ambushed us," she said coolly.

Masako approached the men, her head held high. "I see." She examined them closely, her eyes narrowing as she took in their ninja headbands. "From the looks of it, the men are ninjas, but I don't know exactly where they're from," I explained, crossing my arms and turning my head to look at the headbands once more.

Tobirama stepped up beside Masako. "Masako, you travel extensively. Have you ever heard of or seen these types of headbands?" he asked.

Masako tilted her head to get a better look at the headbands. She then shook her head, her lips pressed into a thin line. "No, I haven't. I'm sorry."

The headbands were imprinted with an engraved flower symbol. It was delicate and intricate, but it also had a sense of danger about it.

"Have they spoken, or have you guys questioned them?" Masako asked, turning away from the headbands and back to us.

"No, we haven't," Tobirama explained. "We were about to begin when you returned."

"Did they do anything specific when they attacked?" Masako asked. "For example, did they go for someone or something?"

I let go of my arms and tried to remember what had happened. "One of the guys was doing a transformation of you when they first arrived," I said. "It was the one in the middle." I pointed to him.

The one in the middle, between the other two, appeared to be the youngest. He seemed to be around Ayumi's age. He had short, black hair and piercing brown eyes.

Masako sighed and rested her hand on her hip. "For now, all we know is that they must have been watching us. They knew the code."

"To be honest, if that kid hadn't messed up his transformation, I would have thought it was you," I said. "Your voice, clothes, manners, and chakra nature all felt the same. At least I was grateful for the scar on your right eye. It was the one thing he got wrong."

Masako smiled at me.

After I finished explaining what had happened, the boy in the middle of the bound men let out an irritated "tch" sound.

All four of us turned to look at the men.

"Ooo, it appears that someone wishes to communicate," Masako said, her smirk widening as she gently placed her hand on the boy's knee. "I think we should start asking some questions."

"And you're giving us answers." Her gaze darkened, and her smirk faded.

The three men yelped in pain as their bodies jolted back, causing their heads to bang against the tree trunk to which they were confined.

Ayumi and I were caught off guard, but Tobirama, who had been paying close attention to every word and interaction, was not.

"What exactly did you do?" Ayumi asked, quickly moving away from the tree, having felt a jolt as well.

"Oh, sorry," Masako said. "I just prevented them from performing any jutsu. It was just for safety." She stood up and removed her hand from the boy's knee.

Tobirama raised an eyebrow. "Precaution?"

"Yes. As of right now, we don't know what village they are from or what types of jutsu they can perform. Except for the boy in the middle, we know he can transform, but there could be more," Masako explained with a nod. "Moving on, we should start questioning the men since we don't have all night." She cracked her knuckles.

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