Chapter 35: Shadows and Sunrise

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Five days had passed since Madara's shocking return to the Hidden Leaf. Only the Hokage, his brother, and Yuno were aware, along with Lady Mito and Tobirama. The rest of the village remained blissfully ignorant. Yuno, burdened by this knowledge, tried desperately to avoid him. Even so, Haru and Madara's ignorance of his existence weighed heavily on her, and she knew she couldn't postpone the inevitable conversation with Madara much longer.

Each stolen glance at Haru, his laughter echoing in the training ground, became a stark reminder of the ticking clock. How long could she keep this truth hidden? How exactly would Haru react to it all?

Meanwhile, under the warm morning sun, Yuno drilled her students, Ichirou, Yuki, and Haru, in the art of kunai throwing. They'd mastered the basics, and today's session focused on speed and accuracy. They'd been at it since sunrise.

Hours melted away as they practiced. Yuno's eyes drifted to the shifting shadows, a natural clock telling her it was nearing lunch.

"Break time, everyone!" she called out. All three students turned, momentarily distracted. Ichirou's throw, disrupted by Yuno's voice, sailed harmlessly past the target.

"Dang it!" Ichirou stomped his foot, frustration creasing his brow. "Snesai, I almost had it!" He called back, his voice tight.

Yuno approached, a gentle smile on her lips. "I'm so sorry, Ichirou. I didn't mean to distract you. But come on, it's time to eat."

Ichirou crossed his arms. "Can't I just finish this first?"

"You can focus better with a full stomach," Yuno said firmly but kindly. Her gaze swept over the three of them. "Besides, you all look like you could use a break. You won't hit the target if you're running on fumes."

Ichirou sighed, the fight leaving his shoulders. "Alright, alright."

He joined Yuki and Haru, who were already settled on the picnic blanket Yuno had laid out earlier. The spread was simple: rice balls and cold noodles. The three ate in comfortable silence for a while, Yuno watched them eat, her own appetite lost. Her gaze drifted towards the village, her mind a whirlwind concerned about Madara eating away at her thoughts. She decided to shift them back onto her students at the same time, with Yuno watching them with a hint of concern. She wished they'd feel comfortable enough to chat amongst themselves.

Finally, she decided to break the ice. "So, what did you guys think of training today?"

Ichirou didn't hesitate. "It was crud." His bluntness caused Yuno's eyebrows to rise in surprise.

Haru, ever the mediator, reached out and swatted Ichirou lightly on the back of the head.

Ichirou winced, a sharp hiss escaping his lips. Yuno's playful laugh grated on him. "It's alright," she said, amusement dancing in her eyes. "But explaining yourself would be nice. You seemed pretty enthusiastic before, practically vibrating with practice energy."

"It's not that I hate it," he grumbled, rubbing the sore part of his head. "I'm just... tired of this." He gestured around at the familiar training field. "Everyone else is already out there, learning from real missions. Why are we still stuck here?"

Yuno sighed. "Ichirou, I know you're eager. There will be a time for this team to take on missions, but right now, your focus needs to be on honing your skills." Trust me, it's crucial."

He cut her off, his voice tight. "Honing skills happens on the battlefield, not this glorified daycare! We should be facing real threats, not practicing for them."

A flicker of steely resolve replaced Yuno's usual cheer. "Ichirou," she said, her voice firm, "being a ninja means preparation. The outside world is a brutal place. One mistake out there could cost you or your loved ones everything."

Yuki and Haru, who had been tuning out their bickering, snapped to attention. Yuno's seriousness was a rare sight.

Ichirou slumped slightly, his defiance tempered by a flicker of understanding. "I know, Sensei," he muttered. "It just feels like we're being held back. I'm not you. I won't make the mistakes that put you in a coma for seven years."

The air hung heavy as Ichirou's words echoed. A deep anger flared within Yuno, but a glance at his youthful face, etched with frustration, reminded her of his inexperience. She squeezed her eyes shut, inhaling a shaky breath to quell the rising fury.

It wasn't just Yuno. When she reopened her eyes, she saw a flicker of something dangerous in Haru's gaze. Before anyone could react, Haru lashed out, his fist connecting with Ichirou's jaw. A gasp escaped Yuki's lips. Before Ichirou could even rise, Haru struck again.

"Haru, stop!" Yuki's voice cracked with sharp pleads. "I know he was out of line, but that's enough!"

Haru froze, fists clenched, his chest heaving with barely restrained rage. Ichirou lay there, clutching his jaw, a mixture of pain and defiance in his eyes.

Yuki rushed to Ichirou's side, her voice trembling slightly as she checked on him. "Are you okay?"

"No," Ichirou mumbled in reply, more focused on glaring at Haru.

"What the hell was that for, Haru?!" Ichirou roared, fury twisting his face.

Haru glared, his voice low and dangerous. "Maybe you should learn when to keep your mouth shut, especially when you're talking about things you don't understand.

"It's not like I lied!" Ichirou shot back, his voice cracking with barely contained rage. "You're just mad because it's true about your mom! She messed up your life, but guess what? I never asked to be on this team! Don't punish me for her mistakes!"

Haru's fists clenched, his eyes burning with a fury that transcended Ichirou's words. He lunged forward, a primal growl escaping his throat.

Before Haru could connect, Yuki stepped between them, her voice surprisingly firm despite the tremor in her hands. "Stop it! Both of you!"

Yuno slammed her foot down, the force echoing through the training ground. "That's enough!" Her voice was a taut wire, laced with raw anger. Both boys froze, their bravado replaced by a flicker of fear.

Yuki flinched slightly at the booming sound of Yuno's foot hitting the ground. A wave of relief washed over her, replacing the fear that had been creeping in as the situation escalated. She lowered her hands slowly, her eyes flitting between the now-subdued Haru and Ichirou, before settling on Yuno with a defeated sigh, a silent apology hanging in the air.

Her voice vibrated with controlled fury. "Training is finished. Dismissed." Both Ichirou and Haru froze, shame flickering across their faces. They stared at Yuno, their sensei.

"This," Yuno said, her voice calmer but no less firm, "is exactly why you two aren't ready for missions. You lack the discipline and control to function as a team." Her words were aimed squarely at Ichirou.

Yuno paused, letting the weight of her disappointment settle. "But," she continued, a hint of something else entering her voice, "tomorrow is a new day. Be here early. We'll try again."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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