Chapter: 22 Assembling the Team

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"Do you honestly believe Yuno should begin new missions?" Tobirama entered after being summoned to the Hokage's office and carrying the letter.

"I believe her return to the field will be beneficial," Hashirama grinned widely.

"I don't think it's a smart idea, though, in light of what she had told us," Tobirama stated as he set the letter on the desk.

'Tobirama, Yuno won't be going into battle right away," Hashirama answered.

"She won't be able to manage that right away, as you and I both know."

"But for the time being, she is able to at least mentor our newer generation of shinobi."

"She will now serve as Team 3's sensei as of today."

"They're our final team to be assembled with and they are currently behind everyone else in their academy class."

"Who are they?" Tobirama wondered.

Hashirama set three photographs in front of Tobirama for him to look at.

He pointed at each image of "Yuki Futuba, Ichiro Sarutobi, and Haru Uchiha."

"Hashirama Are you certain about this team; each of these shinobi in the academy had a distinct grades and level of proficiency," Tobirama furrowed brows.

"Besides that Ichiro and Haru, I've heard they're not quite friendly with each other"

"There isn't much information about Yuki other than the fact that she is Masako's daughter."

"Tobirama There is no need to be concerned; I combined these three for a reason. Additionally, there wasn't really any other option. Yuki was hurt and put on leave for medical reasons."

"The final three recently graduated individuals were not assigned to a team because Ichiro and Haru were occupied with personal family matters."

Tobirama is instructed by Hashirama to go to each home and tell everyone to assemble in the office.


To inform the three shinobis to assemble at the hokages' headquarters, Tobirama himself went to their homes as Hashirama had requested.

Ichiro Sarutobi was first on the list. There were various different family names and clans in the village, each with a specific territory.

Tobirama arrived at a metal gate bearing the inscription "Sarutobi." He pushed open the gate and entered. Tobirama finally arrived at a residence after some hours spent walking.

It was decently sized. Tobirama approached the brown wooden door and started to knock. A tall woman opened the door after the door had been locked for perhaps a minute or so.

She had a sloppy bun in her brown hair and was wearing an apron. She quickly bowed when she spotted Tobirama when her face brightened up.

"Oh Lord Tobirama." "What can I do for you?" she asked.

"You can omit the lord part," he replied. "Lord First asked me to accompany Ichiro Sarutobi to the hokage's office," Tobirama responded.

The woman cocked her head to the side and nodded. "Ichiro came here and put on your shoes!

"I don't want too!" A voice shouted back.

"Ichiro I won't be asking you again Come on over!" The woman shouted more loudly.

"All right, all right," Ichiro replied, sluggishly making his way to the entrance.

"Mom, what now?" he complained.

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