Chapter: 8 Goodnight

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I didn't end up sleeping on the floor after all. When it was time to sleep, Tobirama insisted that I sleep on the bed and he sleeps on the floor.

To be honest, I felt horrible, but he insisted on sleeping on the floor once more. I was too exhausted to quarrel with him about who gets to sleep in the bed. As a result, I simply accepted it.

Anyway, after hours of continual tossing and turning, this bed is unbearably unpleasant. Because I couldn't sleep, I decided to get out of bed and go for a walk.

I made an effort of slipping out of bed gently, especially since both Ayumi and Masako were in deep slumber.

Tobirama was nowhere to be found in the room, despite the fact that it was dark. Perhaps he found a new area to sleep.

I made my way out the door, closing it carefully. I then proceeded down the hall; it was also fairly dark, but I could still see where I was going.

I ultimately discovered a door leading to the outside. When I opened it and looked out, there was a balcony linked to the building. I was just loving the scenery from up here as I made my way further onto the platform.

"This night breeze felt fantastic," I said, leaning against the balcony ledge.

Looking out onto the Hidden Sand's vista. At night, it's extremely lovely here.

I wished I could come here with Haru or maybe Madara.

When I think of him, I get a rush of pain in my chest. I wish he could have met his son before he went.

"Damn bastard," I screamed, my rage boiling within me. As a result, I touched down on the railing I was resting against.

"Yuno"?, I hear a voice calling my name.

A little taken aback I turn around fast to check who is there.

I fixed my focus on the individual. I exhaled a sigh of relief. Knowing it's only Tobirama

To be honest, I'm not in the mood to speak. So I turn around and give him a modest smile.

"You couldn't sleep either, did you?" He asks me as walk over to him on the balcony

"Hm," is all I have to say in response.

"Don't you think it's a lovely night?" He inquired.

It was strange to see him like this without yelling or us fighting immediately away.

"Yeah, I guess so," I say. Turning around to face him

I started laughing solely because it was different from the two of us having a healthy conversation. In reality, we didn't quarrel as much as I expected. We had a few squabbles here and there, but they were manageable.

"What's amusing?" Tobirama inquires, clearly perplexed.

"Nothing," I said, lowering my head and leaning further onto the ledge.

"Did you have trouble sleeping?" I inquire.


"You"? "I couldn't, so I came to get some fresh air," I said, sighing.

"So, what are you doing out here?" looking for an answer from him

"It's our first time in this village," He replies, "and I don't trust them enough to sleep in one of their buildings."

"So you can't sleep?" I ask, raising my brow. After hearing my remark, he stared at me.

"No, I'm simply choosing to stay awake." "Oh, just say you're paranoid and can't sleep."

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