Chapter:19 I'm Sorry

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It was a chilly night in the hidden leaf, as the moon hung low in the sky, gleaming dimly.

The mild breeze swayed the blinds back and forth as a window was slightly cracked open.

The moon was in the right position for its weak light to penetrate the room through the window

Slightly illuminating the unconscious girl in her bed. Slowly beginning to be awakened, her eyes caught the dim light and filled her vision with images of the moon.

As she observes the moon, the room is filled with even greater serenity and stillness.

When she noticed the weight on one side of the bed, she shifted her gaze away. Turning her head slowly

Her eyes are drawn to the woman whose head is resting in her arms, the moonlight shining brightly on the woman's white hair.

Only being able to lightly touch the white-haired woman's elbow with the tips of her fingers

The white-haired woman had slowly awoke as she lifted her head, her clouded eyesight becoming clearer as she felt the soft touch of the little girl.

Her bright bold inked-colored eyes met those of the girl with the ocean blues. Gently smiling

Grasping the young girl's bandaged arm, She held on securely but gently so as not to hurt her.

She couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her face.

The young girl makes contact as her pillow becomes stained from tears oozing from her eyes, unable to move as the wind continues to blow, the only sound being the swinging of the ruffled blinds.

The white-haired woman speaks softly to the young girl.

"I'm sorry" she cried.


As the vegetable soup continued to cover the wooden floor, the kitchen remained silent.

Haru and Izuna were the focus of four eyes, and their returning pair peered back at the two women seated at the kitchen table.

One has rose-colored hair, while the other has raven-black hair.

the woman with Raven's black hair stood up and took a firm embrace without hesitation or contemplation.

Ignoring the puddle of vegetable soup that has now engulfed her shoes.

Despite this, the Haru remained still, stunned and unable to grasp the interaction.

"Haru," she remarked, laughing and crying at the same time. Her fingers and palms rubbed their way through his hair and face.

𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑢 𝑃𝑂𝑉

As the light from the kitchen shines into the hallway, I dash towards it. while hearing voices chattering and laughter.

My body gets immobile when it comes to a halt at the kitchen door. When my gaze falls on the two women seated in the kitchen, I feel as if I've been paralyzed.

As the woman with raven black hair meets my gaze, the laughter fades to a perfect silence that fills the room.

We can't seem to get our gazes away from each other.

I sense Uncle Izuna's presence behind me, and I imagine he was as taken aback as I was.

I'm at a loss for words and don't know what to say.

It seems that she was my mother smelt like her as well. But she wasn't the same person she had been when she awoke in a hospital bed.

She cradled me in her arms for dear life, tears streaming down her cheeks, and not a single word came out of her mouth.

or even when she'd collapsed on her knees, clutching me so tightly that I couldn't breathe. She was sobbing and apologizing.

Or how she'd been detached for the past three months as if she hadn't been there at all.

But now I'm experiencing a wave of nostalgia, a feeling I've had before which confirms that this is genuinely my mother. That's not to suggest she wasn't before. But it wasn't her for the past six months.

Nonetheless, I'd grown accustomed to her as this somebody who looked like her but never felt like her. It was as if her soul had been taken away and replaced by someone else.

But it was the warmth of her hand on my face and running through my hair that drew me out of my trance and allowed me to completely realize what was going on.

Bringing me back to the nurses' statement that some of her were still present. Even though it had been buried away in a deep slumber for the past seven years and six months.

It had fully awakened and appeared in full light at this point.

I wondered what it was that drew her out of the fog that had obscured her thoughts and brought her back to her senses.

I recognized how much shorter she was than me after seeing her up close and being able to take a look at her closely.

Our eyes are glued together as I look down on her lovingly.

Her amber eyes assured me that she was better than she had been before

Bringing me back to the time when I was only five years old. the memory took over my mind it was my favorite memory so it made me overcome with joy. She had held my face and brought me close to her when I was only five years old.

It was there, it was there, it was there, it was there, it was actually there,

The warmth I had felt being gripped and cuddled by my mother that day

Her smile was as dazzling as the sun, and her eyes reflected its rays, radiating warmth into my flesh through the palms of her hands.

Making the void where my heart and anxiety formerly resided vanish.

I couldn't help myself as I watched as my mother's bright smile falter as she gazed at me.

I'm unable to contain the stream that is about to escape my eyes. As it started to run down my face.

She gently wiped them away with the tips of her fingers. As the torrent of tears began to cascade down her cheeks.

My eardrums were once again filled with the words my mother had spoken to me for the first time six months ago as she continued to cry and wipe my eyes.

As she talked, I could only grin as I placed my hand on hers.


"I'm sorry" she cried.

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