Chapter:15 Finally A Shinobi

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Parents and family members were waiting outside the Academy building to see their children when I arrived.

"My apology as I attempted to squeeze past everyone. I was able to squeeze through around five people before I reached the front door of the classroom. Once the door opened, every student, including the sensei, turned to face me.

While everyone was staring, I walked to my normal seat, close to the teacher.

Having ignored everyone, they remained silent before returning to their previous conversation after I took my seat...

As I leaned against my arm, I stared out the window. I was trying to clear my mind so that I could concentrate on graduation. I needed to think about something other than my current circumstances at home.

"What's the matter, Uchiha?" A voice shouts

When I paid close attention, it was only Ichirou.

"He's so irritating," I muttered under my breath.

"Ichirou, leave me alone," I said.

"Uchiha, what did you say?" Ichirou taunted, "I can't hear you," as he and his pals began to chuckle and laugh.

They had also been tossing crumpled-up pieces of paper at the back of my head.

I couldn't keep back my rage because I was still in a sour mood.

"I told you to stop bothering me and leave me alone!" I yelled, slamming my fist against the wooden table in front of me.

At the outburst, the entire class fell silent, and most of my classmates' faces were frozen with surprise.

Even our Sensei was surprised. Ichirou and I were often arguing with each other. But I've never had an outburst in front of the entire class; I'm typically cool and collected, even in stressful situations.

He merely stood there, staring at Ichirou, breathing deeply out of rage, then returning his attention to me with the same expression as everyone else.

The realization that I had just had an outburst in front of the entire class added to my frustration.

"Ahem," the sensei exclaims, capturing everyone's and my attention.

Is there a problem, Haru, he wonders?

It's nothing, I muttered as I sat back down in my chair.

As a result, the class never resumed their previous conversations and instead began muttering to one another about what had just occurred.

It went on like this until we all had to congregate outside in front of the Academy.

Once everyone was outside, we were divided into lines that were separated by each classroom and each Sensei for the class.

We would be the first students from each class to graduate from the Academy, so it was a major event. So many villagers, parents, family members, and friends have gathered to congratulate us.

It was supposed to be a great day, but it was simply awful, and all I wanted to do was get it over with and get home so I could take care of my mother. To be honest, I didn't want to do it, either. I didn't feel motivated to do anything; instead, I felt empty.

And I've never felt this way before.
After ten minutes of waiting outdoors, applause and claps greeted the appearance of the Hokage in front of everyone. Uncle Izuna and Old Man Tobirama accompanied him.

Then, old man Hashirama singled out for everyone to be silent. Once everyone had done so, he began to talk. Everyone is paying close attention to what he is saying.

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