Chapter 25: That Day At The Water

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Masako approached the table where Haru and Yuki were sitting with a friendly smile on her face. "Hey, what are you two doing here?" she asked, joining them with Yuno by her side.

"We're getting lunch," Yuki replied, her voice reflecting the confidence she had gained since their training session earlier. "Yuno Sensei told us to take a break."

"Well, in that case, mind if we join you?" Masako asked, gesturing towards the empty chairs. "Yuno was just about to fill me in on your training session."

"Of course!" Haru exclaimed, making room for their mothers to sit. They welcomed the company and were eager to share their progress with them. As they all settled down at the table, Haru began excitedly recounting the intense sparring matches they had practiced earlier.

He explained how Yuno Sensei had pushed them to their limits, teaching them new techniques and strategies. Yuki and Haru's mothers listened intently, impressed by their children's dedication to learn and grow. The pride in their eyes mirrored the determination in Yuki and Haru's expressions, knowing that they were on the right path towards becoming skilled shinobi.

"One thing I'll also add is how strong Yuki is out of the three of us. She was the only one who was close enough to taking the kunai out of your hands," he said to his mother.

Masako smiled proudly, acknowledging her daughter's strength and determination. She reassured Haru, "With continued practice and perseverance, they also reach a great level of skill. "Keep pushing yourselves to get better," she said.

Yuki's face flushed red after hearing her mother and Haru compliment her. She was a quiet kid and timid at times. But inside, she was really happy, wanting to continue to grow stronger.

"I will say that for your guys first training session, it was really good. I'm actually excited to see how you will do in the future," Yuno said as they were talking.

Mai had come back over to the table with Yuki and Harus meals, which they had ordered. "Two orders of dumpling soup have arrived," she sang, placing the bowls in front of the two.

"Oh, hello?" She greeted both Yuno and Masako. "I'm sorry she said she didn't know this was going to be a table of four. I should have waited. until you got here to take your orders." She apologized.

Yuno smiled and reassured Mai, "No worries, Mai. We're all good! Thank you for bringing the dumpling soup; it looks delicious."

Masako nodded in agreement, adding, "We just got here ourselves, and we appreciate your service."

"Then would the two of you like to order now, or should I give you some time to look over the menu and see your options?" Mai asked.

Yuno glanced at Masako and replied, "We're ready to order now, please." Mai nodded and took out her notepad, ready to jot down their choices. "We would like to order two bowls of ramen with extra toppings. and also the beef stir-fry with vegetables." Masako said

She ordered both her and Yuno since they had decided on what they wanted to eat before they walked into the restaurant.

While Yuno and Masako were placing their order, Haru remembered that he had planned to ask Yuki about what happened to her that day when he found her by the water before they were interrupted.

Haru hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should bring up the topic now or wait for a more appropriate time. However, curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to ask Yuki about it now during their meal.

"So, um, Yuki," Haru said, clearing his throat to get her attention. He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts, before continuing. "I wanted to ask you about what happened that day when I found you by the water. You were about to answer, he said.

Haru's question grabbed both Yuno's and Masako's attention, and they both started looking at Haru and Yuki. Yuno found you by the water. Hearing Haru's question, Masako knew exactly what the two were talking about.

Yuki looked up from her plate, her expression turning slightly somber. "Oh, that day," she began, her voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and sadness. I was asked to go there by a group of girls from the academy. They wanted to have a picnic by the water, and I agreed to join them. But when I arrived, I couldn't find anyone and ended up sitting alone by the shore."

Yuki's eyes wandered off, lost in her memories of that day. "It turned out they didn't really want to hang out with me," she continued, her voice tinged with a hint of disappointment. "I felt so foolish sitting there, waiting for them to show up. When they did show up, they attacked me.

"What!?" Both Yuno and Haru said at the same time "Why in the world would they do that?"

Yuki sighed, her brows furrowing in confusion. "I wish I knew," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and hurt. "They never gave me a reason or explanation for it, but I should've known the girls had never talked with me before that day.

Masako sat quietly, listening once again about the painful experience her daughter went through. She sighed before speaking up. "I'm glad you helped Yuki that day, she said. It still hurts, though if only I had been there with her, it would have never happened. But thank you for getting there when you did."

"Don't worry about it," Haru said tension was building at the table. Haru felt horrible for inflaming the situation. But he's relieved Yuki is okay now. It was silent as Yuki and Haru continued to eat their soup, and both Yuno's and Masko's dinners had arrived, so it was quiet for the remainder of the time at the restaurant as everyone ate and finished their meals.

Once they were all done, Yuno and Masako paid for the lunch, and the four of them made their way out of the restaurant. "So I guess this when we part ways," Yuno said.

"It looks like it is," Masako, she responded.

"Oh yeah, I was meant to ask you about something earlier, but I'll save it for another day."

Yuno nodded and smiled, understanding Masako's decision to save the conversation for another time. As they said their goodbyes, Yuki and Haru exchanged a knowing glance, curious about the topic Masako had wanted to discuss.

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