Chapter: 10 The Aftermath

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Beep!, beep! beep! bee.........!

As for the tenth time, the heart monitor breaks to a straight flat line as it continues to record the rhythm of the patient. "She's crashing again", a voice shouts out.

"It's probably a good idea to tell me that Lord First has returned to the village". someone better tell me!" A voice replied

"My apologies, but I do not have any information concerning when Lord First will return to the village". A nurse responded.

"Are you serious?" The doctor screams furiously.

"My apologies, Lady Mito", the nurse replies in a panic, dropping her clipboard.

As she recovered some of her composure, Lady Mito continued to speak. "There is no time to apologize or regret anything", she said.

"Lady Mito screams at the nursing student, "Come over here immediately and help me!".

The nurse responded quickly to her needs.

"Take over the chest compressions, I'd like for you to keep the heart beating while I prepare to cut and create a hole in her throat so that she can breathe.

After the nurse took over the chest compressions, Lady Mito began preparing to help the patient on the table breathe better.

Lady Mito now has the precision to perform the emergency tracheostomy. She instructs the nurse to take a break and stop chest compressions. Immediately, the nurse stops and stands aside.

After traching the patient, Lady Mito intubates her and inserts the tube into her lungs through her throat.

After everything had been inserted, Lady Mito called the nurse again for her to continue pumping the airbag so the patient could receive oxygen through the trach tube which had been inserted via a hole in the patient's neck.

To keep steady with the rhythm in which air was pumped into the patient's lungs, the nurse took the airbag from lady Mito's hands and squeezed it three times in her head at the count of one, two, three.

The heart monitor turned into a rhythmic heartbeat sound when lady Mito turned her head.

Mito breathes a sigh of relief when she finally realizes the patient is finally stable.

She then collapses to her knees, as she falls to the ground.

Nurses from other stations call out and rush to Lady Mito's aid to see if she is alright.

Lady Mito smiles sweetly at them. "I'm fine, I assure you.

"As of now, she appears to be stable, so let's hope she continues to stay that way".

Now seated by the patient's side in a chair with the help of the nurse, she turned her gaze from the nurse to the patient on the hospital bed.

Lady Mito began to hold the patient's hand tightly in hers. Hashirama please hurry back soon.

She may not be able to handle much more.

Her strength is dwindling as the day progresses.

Please come home soon...

Yuno she needs you

As Lady Mito lies at her side, she weeps with the plea in her heart clenching into the bedspread of Yunos hospital bed.

Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing one of the First Hokage's aides. As he catches her eye, she swiftly turns to the door and looks.

The young boy informs Lady Mito, Lord Hashirama has returned home safely.
As soon as lady Mitio hears her plea being answered by the words of the young boy, she leaps from her chair and rushes towards the Boy.

When she places her hands on the boy's shoulders, she asks the boy, "I don't care what Hashirama is doing right now, but please bring him here immediately"!!

The young boy sees Mito's eagerness in his eyes and rushes to Lord First on the orders of his wife.

A few minutes later, the boy returns with Hashirama. Seeing him, Lady Mito grabs a hold of Lord's first garment, pulling him into the room.

"Although she's stable as of now, she keeps crashing with random intervals and I'm not sure when it will happen again". She explained things a bit too quickly and anxiously.

Hashirama, seeing his wife's anxiety, places his hands on her shoulders in a comforting gesture, thus soothing her.

He gently said to his wife, "Trust me, it will be alright." Then slowly he stepped away from her and headed towards the side of Yuno's bed.

His eyes water as he stares down at her in her weak state. All the while the nurse is still pumping her airbag. He wipes his eye with the tips of his fingers and looks up at the nurse.

The Nurse hesitated at the order of the Hokage and reluctantly stopped pumping the airbag, but at his insistence she stop pumping the airbag. Reluctantly she obeyed and placed it down.

The nurse then asks 'But sir?' to him as he orders her to due the next step which was removing the trach tube from her neck.

"Follow his instructions", Lady Mito reassures

"Right", the nurse responds.

"Using a gentle touch, remove Yuno's trach tube it should be removed carefully". Hashirama instructs next. "After placing it onto the tray beside her bed".

when the tube was fully out and put to the side the Monitor begins to flatline once again.

Lord First the nurse worriedly announces at the sound of the flat line.

"Be patient", Lady Mito says grabbing hold of the nurse's hand.

"Everything will be fine now", she turns to smile at the nurse.

The hole within Yuno's neck began to close as a green sphere appeared beneath the Hokage's palms, and the sound of air departing Yuno's lips could be heard.

The sight took everyone's breath away, including the nurses and the Hokages' aid boy. Then the entire hole closes completely, and the rhythmic sound of Yuno's heartbeat returns to the monitor.

Along with her being able to fully breathe on her own for the first time in a long time.

Hashirama then turns around to face Lady Mito after removing his hand.

"Has she awoken at all while I've been gone?" He inquires.

Lady Mito then shifted her attention from her husband to the floor, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm afraid she hasn't... not even once," she cries, shaking her head.

A sigh departs the Hokage's lips as he returns his gaze to Yuno's comatose figure, which lies silently on the bed.

"Do you believe she'll ever wake up?" Lady Mito inquires, her gaze fixed on Hashirama.

They're both by her side now.

"I'm not sure," he says softly, "but hopefully soon."

"Yuno, please wake up quickly."


"He's been waiting for you to return home."

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