Chapter: 9 Betrayal

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We had been staying in the Hidden Sand for two days. Nobody was allowed to leave their rooms, even us, due to the sand storm.

To be honest, I felt like strangling Ayumi if she didn't stop talking.

I don't blame her; we had nothing to do in the room, so I felt it wouldn't be fair to strangle her.

I also didn't want to end up in Sand jail when I had Haru at home to look after. He probably missed me so badly that he couldn't wait for me to return back home.

"When are we going to be able to go home!!!" Ayumi groans. lying on the bed upside down

"Hopefully, it will be soon!" With the same tone of speech, I responded.

"Well, we have no choice but to wait till they notify us that the storm has gone," Tobirama spoke

"We're meant to go home today," Masako says.

We heard a knock on our door shortly after she finished, forcing Ayumi to jump out of bed and run, seizing the doorknob and opening the door.

Dawn the Sand ninja jerk greeted us as the door opened.

"It's you, and this better be good news," she spits in Dawn's face.

"Well, it appears that your good news has arrived; the storm has passed, and you are allowed to walk out if you so like," he stated. Ignoring Ayumi's rude attitude

and Ayumi both jumped in the air with pleasure.

"What about going home?"

"We also require the answer letter that the Kazekage was supposed to prepare for us."

Tobirama's questions while getting closer to Dawn.

Both Ayumi's and my excitement faded quickly.

"Due to the severity of the storm, Lord Kazekage was unable to complete his response letter."

"So he asked that I come here and inform you all, and you can wander around the village if you want until I return to accompany you to his office again."

Ayumi questions how a sandstorm might prevent someone from finishing a letter.

"Perhaps he was attempting to make sure the storm didn't ruin and kill his villagers," I said after hitting her on the head.

Ow!! She yells as she stares at me in agony.

Keeping an eye on us Masako couldn't help but chuckle as Tobirama sighed. Dawn, on the other hand, has already begun to walk away.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Masako wonders aloud.

Ayumi jumps to her feet when she hears the question.

"Oh, we could take a look around and see what they enjoy doing for leisure."

"I believe that would be a wonderful idea, just to pass the time,". I agreed.

The four of us then set off to explore more of the Hidden Sand. Until we were summoned to the Kazekages' office.

It was a lot of fun walking from booth to stand sampling different types of food and seeing what they had that wasn't in the Hidden Leaf.

We observed various forms of Jutsu as well, such as puppetry and ninja equipment that were useful for wind-styled chakra natures, which was extremely amazing to witness.

Everyone seemed to be having a fantastic time. Tobirama, on the other hand, I'm not sure about him. He didn't participate in anything. He only did it when he was paying for something Ayumi wanted. Even then, he didn't appear to be in a good mood. But because he's Tobirama, he'll be alright.

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