Chapter 23: Yuno Is Sensei

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"First of all, Lord First, why are we paired up with each other?" Haru and Ichiro both made eye contact and pointed to one another.

"Are you certain that we can't work with anyone else?" Ichiro continued.

Hashirama bowed his head and crossed his arms, saying, "No, there isn't." Just learn how to get along, you two. Ichiro folded his arms and had a frown on his face.

"Be less of a whiner," Haru said, "for what's done is done."

"Shut up Uchiha" Ichiro spat.

"Who will be our sensai, I wonder?" Haru whirled around and turned to face Hashirama ignoring Ichiro

"I just hope it's not some weirdo," Ichiro said

"You three will see as you arrive at the training grounds tomorrow morning. said Hashirama. "Team 3 , you are now dismissed."

They all made bowing motions before leaving the Hokages office. Tobirama close the door after them. " Still certain that they will get along?' Tobirama stated.

"Let's us hope," Hashirama said. "It will be put to the test tomorrow morning."


Ichiro, Haru, and Yuki all went home to get ready for tomorrow. When Haru arrived home, his mother was in the kitchen getting dinner ready.

Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned and peered at the kitchen doorway. "It's nice to see your home," she smiled before turning around.

As the room began to become tense, Haru could feel it. He had lost his anger when trying to learn anything about his father. He was still regretting shouting at her.

He called out to her, "Hey, mom."

"Yes," she replied, turning off the burner just as everything was done cooking.

"You understand that when..." Haru entered the room more and began setting the table. "A few days ago, I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's fine," she assured. She noted "that given everything that had occurred, I probably deserved it."

"What no!" Haru halted mid-step and began shaking his head. "It is the person who injured you who is to blame for what happened." "Also, after giving it some thought, I don't think I want to learn more about my father. Maybe someday, but not right now," Haru replied.

"Okay, Yuno said, if that's what you want. Yuno grinned, "Come on, finish setting the table, I cooked dumpling soup for tonight."

After preparing the meal and sitting down to eat . "So what did Hashirama discuss with you?" Yuno asked

Haru raised his head from his bowl. "Ichiro and Yuki are on team 3, and Lord Geezer put me with them."

"Haru, Hashirama's nickname is interesting, but really?" Yuno laughed. Haru began eating more quickly as a result of his embarrassment.

Despite the fact that Yuno already knew who his sensei would be, she nevertheless questioned if there had been any word about it.

"No, but we'll find out at the training grounds early tomorrow morning," Haru said. "I just hope it's not some weirdo like Ichiro said" Haru then finished his bowl of soup and got up from the table to wash it.

I certainly hope so, Yuno thought to herself as she carried on eating.


Since they were due to be on the field at daybreak the following morning, Haru woke up before the sun even rose. He prepared himself and went to the door, making sure to lock it behind him.

He once more turned his head forward and noticed Ichiro and Yuki outside.
Haru questioned, "What are you two doing here?"

"Obviously," Ichiro said, "we are waiting for you." Yuki nodded in agreement.

"Ichiro, keep your attitude for later; it's still not even five in the morning." Haru sighed and joined them on their walk.

It was quiet as they made their way to the practice area because nobody felt comfortable enough to talk to each other.

Ichiro and Haru were walking together. Yuki, however, is a little behind.

Yuki was looking at the ground as she walked, which caught Haru's attention when he saw her far behind him.

He slowed down to match her pace. As he followed in Yuki's footsteps, they both turned to face each other

Hey I had a question, he said in the kindest possible way, "Are you mute or just incredibly quiet?"

She spoke softly and turned her head to face the ground as they went. "Just quiet."

Haru didn't notice but she had a small smile on her face.


They had finally arrived at the training ground when the sun had fully risen. One individual was present and stood in the center of the field

Until the three of them arrived at the field's center, they were unable to identify the figure. The person was facing away from them.

But as the sound of rustling grass filled the air, they turned around.

When Haru noticed the person staring back at them, his eyes grew wider.

Mom! In surprise, he gasped.

"Hello, you three. I'm delighted to see you arrived on time." "And Haru, please don't call me mom while we're out in the field or on missions; save that for home."

"Sensei Yumo is fine while we're out here," she replied with pride, her hands on her hips.

Ichiro crossed his arms and muttered, "If your mom is going to be our Sensei, I hope she isn't a loser like you."

But Haru remained silent because he was at a loss for words. He had never imagined that his own mother would be training him and his team.

He was incredibly excited deep down but was unable to express it.

"What exactly are we going to be doing now, Sensei?" Ichiro lowered his arms and asked.

"We'll be administering a brief test, and if the three of you pass, you can continue to practice as shinobi; otherwise, you can bid your aspirations of becoming one goodbye," Yuno spoke in a serious tone.

The three of them became on guard after hearing their sensei's words, which helped Haru regain focus.

"You three recognize the Kunai on me, yes? Taking it in her hands, Yuno replied. "Stopping me and stealing the kunai is the objective."

"The first person to remove the kunai from my hand and pinning me down will win."

"Wait, there are only three of us here." said Haru.

"That's correct. The other two will be fine to go home, but only one of you will pass."

Yuki, Haru, and Ichiro all turned to face each other before returning to Yuno, who was eager to start.

Yuno observed the intensity in each of their eyes. She grinned as she took a battle posture, crossing her arms and holding the kunai in one hand.

'You may start now," she ordered

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