Chapter 30: Madara's Return pt 1

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Hashirama had called Izuna into his office to address the meetings with his elder brother.

He had actually sent Ayumi to go and escort him back to the Hokage office. He decided to ask Ayumi to escort Izuna instead of Tobirama. He just knows that would not in any way, shape, or form end well.

Hashirama had noticed the tension between Tobirama and Izuna during previous meetings, which made him hesitant to involve his younger brother in this particular task. He believed that Ayumi's calm and diplomatic nature would make him better suited to handle the situation delicately and prevent any potential conflicts from arising.

There was a knock at the door, and Hashirama looked up from his desk. "Come in," he said.

The door opened, and Ayumi and Izuna entered the office. Ayumi stood up straight and announced, "We have arrived as you requested, sir." Izuna stood beside her, his arms crossed.

Hashirama smiled. "Glad to see you finally found him. I hope Izuna didn't put up too much of a fuss coming here." he teased

Before Ayumi could respond, Izuna spoke. "Actually, I came here because I wanted to, not because I was ordered," he said. His voice was sharp, and his eyes were narrowed. Ayumi exchanged a quick glance with him, noticing the determination in his expression.

"Izuna has been eager to meet you, Hokage-sama," she added, her voice filled with respect.

Hashirama's smile faded slightly. He could sense the tension between the two of them. "Well, I'm glad you're both here," he said. "Please, take a seat."

Ayumi and Izuna sat down in the chairs across from Hashirama's desk. Ayumi kept her back straight and her hands folded in her lap. Izuna leaned back in his chair, his arms still crossed.

"Izuna, you may be wondering why I asked you to be here urgently," Hashirama spoke in a serious tone, his eyes meeting Izuna's directly. Izuna could tell that Hashirama was nervous, but he tried to hide it by crossing his arms and maintaining a stern expression.

"I already know. You had me come here because I found out about your meetings with my elder brother Madara."

Izuna's voice was cold and accusatory. He glared at Hashirama, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"That's correct. I wanted to put out any misunderstandings or rumors before they became like wildfire."

Hashirama's tone softened slightly. He leaned forward at his desk and held out his hand in a gesture of peace

" Alright then. Start talking."

Izuna hesitated for a moment, but then he took Hashirama's hand. He could feel the warmth of Hashirama's skin and the sincerity in his grip. Izuna knew that Hashirama was telling the truth.

Before he began, Hashirama looked over at Ayumi, who sat patiently and quietly. Her eyes were downcast, and her hands were folded in her lap.

"Ayumi," he said, his voice gentle. "You can go. I would like to speak with Izuna in private."

Ayumi's eyes widened slightly, and she looked up at him. "Yes, sir," she said and stood up from her seat. She bowed slightly to Hashirama and Izuna, then turned and left the Hokage's office.

Hashirama waited until the door had closed behind her before turning back to Izuna. "Now then," he said, his tone becoming more serious. "Let's talk."


Yuno's eyes snapped open as she heard her name being called. She turned her head to the left, her eyes bleary from sleep. Masako was standing in front of her, blocking the sun from her skin.

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