chapter: 2 Gathering The Team

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I was sprinting as fast as I could. I just kept running, eventually making my way towards the training grounds with so much pain and heartache in my chest from Madara's goodbye. The built-up feelings I kept inside finally came to light. My pain turned into pure rage towards Madara. finally stepping foot on the grass of the training grounds.

My frustration and anger had consumed me, causing me to become lost in it. I didn't realize that I had lost control of my chakra nature once again and went overboard.

Passers-by seemed afraid, so I'm pretty sure I looked insane. My flames were hotter as a result of my bad emotions, turning from red to blue.

After a while, I was exhausted and sank to the ground, panting and puffing, absolutely out of breath. I was still outraged, so I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs, my whole chest exploding.

"STUPID! STUPID!" I scream. "I completely hate you!" "YOU JERK", "AHHHH", "YOU JERK", "YOU JERK", "YOU JERK", After that, I assumed it would make me feel better.

It did help me relax a little, but now I'm just feeling guilty and regretting what I said.

My body was wincing with pain, forcing me to lay back down on the ground. The adrenaline surging through my body must've gone as well. Looking up to the blue sky above me, feeling the cold air blow by, I felt calm and comfortable, but that was short-lived as the pain in my body returned, and I finally noticed my hands. They had now covered the calm blue sky in front of me.

You are pitiful. Yuno, heaving a deep sigh. I'm staring at my charred and damaged hands. Then, right there and then, a huge realization hit me, knocking me out of my self-pity. It was the realization of,

I'm completely dead! I began frantically sitting up, causing me to yelp in pain. I had already forgotten about my injured hands.

I had demolished all the practice dummies and some of the village park benches now that I was standing and could properly examine my surroundings. There were still some visible scorches and flames.

"Oh no!" I cried

"Yuno, you did it this time", I said, totally face-palming myself and yelping in pain since my hands were wounded.

To be honest, I was more frightened of Tobirama, Hashirama's younger brother, than I was about Hashirama. Tobirama is utterly terrifying, and I never want to get on his bad side again. Shivers go down my spine just remembering what happened the last time. Even though I'm frightened of Tobirama, I still don't want to hear Hashirama's long-life lecture; I just know it will happen.

So that I can prepare for this possible all-nighter lecture. I'm heading to Konoha Hospital to have these burns examined. I was placed in the waiting area after arriving at the hospital and checking in at the front desk. It felt like hours had passed before I was eventually called in by the nurse.

As soon as I walk into the room, I hear a familiar voice speak to me.

"What did you do this time, Yuno?"

My eyes rested on a woman with stunning long red hair seated at the front desk as I searched for the person who had the familiar voice. I realized Mito Uzumaki's voice had been the one I had heard.

"What"? "No welcome first," I whine jokingly.

"Hello, Yuno," she replies, rolling her eyes. "What did you do this time?"

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