Chapter:18 A Surprise Home

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Lady Mito began to knock on the door as she walked up the front entrance of a small yet roomy Light blue residence.

bang bang bang bang!!!

"Hello, is anyone home?" she asks.

"Yuno, are you inside!?" she shouts, raising her voice outside the door.

It's me Mito, please open up. I'm coming over to see how you're doing.

With another knock and her hand around the doorknob, the door began to gently open.

Walking inside, it was dark, but it was still daylight, so there was no need to be concerned about the lights being turned off.

As Lady Mito entered the living room, she noticed that the wooden chair which Hashirama had informed her about. from the looks of it was empty.

The window was open slightly, and there was an empty bowl on the window seal.

Moving closer to the window seal, which was hovering over the bowl that had been left there. It appeared to be a bowl of soup.

However, the bowl's contents were nearly empty, with only a few scraps of vegetable and some broth remaining.

So it appears that she did eat on her own.

That's a positive indication, she thought quietly as she moved away from the dish and the window.

"Are you home, Yuno?: Lady Mito went on, turning her head to look around the living area.

"Hello, It is Mito!". She declared once more. Suddenly, she turned her head in response to the sound of cracking in the wooden floorboard.

"Masako?", she said Masako's sudden presence had taken her by surprise.

"What are you doing here?", she wondered, trying to reclaim her composer?

"I assumed you were away on business", blinking a little while making eye contact with Masako.

Masako smiled as she leaned against the door frame of the room's entry. "I recently finished and returned home".

"Okay, but what are you doing in Yuno's house?"

"When I returned, Lord first told me about Yuno and her condition".

"So I just dropped by to check how she was doing and if I could help her".

"That's quite thoughtful of you", Lady Mito, smiled kindly.

"It isn't a big deal". Masako brushed it aside and returned a kind smile.

"I mean, after what happened, I was very concerned about her."

"I wouldn't blame you because you were the one who found her that day".

"It's fantastic to hear she's awake".

"So Yuno must be at home".

"If you stopped by to see her, she must be here right now?".

"Oh, yes!" Masako explains, pointing to Yuno's bedroom, "she's resting in her room right now."

"Anyway, I should get going because when I got back, Lord first stated that Yuki wasn't at the graduation ceremony today, so I'm going to go check on her immediately."

"Please let me know if she feels better when she wakes up."


"I was able to use my Jutsu to clear her mind and soothe her mental shock, so when she wakes up, she should feel a lot better," she adds as she returns her focus to Lady Mito.

Lady Mito gently nods and smiles at Masako.

"Take extra care of her Lady Mito", Masako stated as she exited the main door, waving goodbye.

Lady Mito turns her head toward the hallway as soon as the door closes.

The floor planks are creaking as a result of the sound steps. Yuno enters the living room soon after, her tired face rubbing her drowsy eyes.

"What happened to the document?" Lord mumbles to himself in frustration as he looks through the stack of files on his desk.

While searching for the document, Lord Hashirama is interrupted by a pounding knock on the door.

Before Lord Hashirama can respond, the door bursts open with a loud thud that echoes throughout the room and the hall.

"Ayumi, what is it?", Lord first inquired, appearing perplexed.

"Hokage It's extremely important, he's back, sir, and that he wants to speak with you immediately".

With her words filling his eardrums, Lord first immediately stops looking for the document he was seeking for and leaves the Hokage's office with Ayumi.


As the chef pours boiling liquid into the takeaway container, the aroma of scorching hot vegetables fills the air.

Closing the container and gently placing it in a paper bag, double it to ensure that the container of soup does not spill or drop.

"You're all set, kiddo" The waitress smiles pleasantly as she hands over the bag containing the soup.

"Thank you really a lot". Haru bowed as he took the items off the counter.

"Mai, how much is it once more?" Izuna asked, searching for the money in his bag. He carries with him.

"Don't be concerned about the money" Mai having waved it off.

Mai was the nurse who helped take care of my mother while she was in the hospital. when she wasn't on shift she helped her father run this noodle shop.

"I know Yuno hasn't been feeling well, so whatever you need for her is on the house".

She had a large grin on her face as she joyously smiled.

, "thank you very much for your generosity". Izuna smiled

Surprisingly, Haru bowed deeply, expressing his heartfelt thanks to Mai.

Izuna and she were taken aback, but Mai's joyous smile still remained

"Lift your head, kid", she said.

Quickly, he did so, and Haru said, "How can we repay you?"

"What?" Mai responded surprised.

"To be honest, there's no need, but if you insist, tell your uncle to take me out to dinner".

She said this while leaning on the counter, tapping the tips of her fingers, and gazing at Izuna.

"Deal" Haru replied with a spin around telling his uncle to take Mai out to dinner.

Without a second thought, the boy responded, leaving his uncle speechless and Mai's laughter filling the air.

Soon after, Haru and Izuna left the noodle shop and went home.

"Do I really need to take her out to dinner?" he wonders.

"It's not a big deal, uncle; it's just food."

"It's not as if you have to marry her."

Izuna just smiles, hesitant at the idea to take Mai out to dinner, but the two continue on their way eventually reaching the front entrance of the house

they both immediately stop at the front door hearing muffled voices coming from inside knowing that Haru had left the house this morning with only his mother inside pure anxiety and fear began to fill his body

without thinking he rushes inside still clutching the bag of soup he had brought for his mother

Haru drew to a halt in his movements
when the room become silent and Izuna caught up behind him.

The only sound filling the silence as both Haru and Izuna stand at the kitchen doorway is the bag soup smashing to the floor and its liquid spilling and soaking the floor.

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