Chapter 24: Lunch Break

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Yuno beamed down at her three genin, who panted slightly, their morning training session taking its toll. The sun had climbed high in the sky, and she could see the exhaustion etched on their faces, mingled with hunger. "Well then, how about we take a break for lunch?" she suggested cheerfully, her hands resting on her hips.

The three genin glanced up at her, their energy drained too much to form a reply.
"Since it's already noon, it would be wise for everyone to refuel and call it a day,"

Yuno continued, her smile unwavering.They all nodded in unison, their weariness melting into agreement.

Ichirou questioned, "But none of us were able to snatch the kunai from you, am I right?"

Yuno shrugged, her expression nonchalant. "So what?"

Ichirou pressed on, his voice filled with curiosity, "Remember when you mentioned that if any one of us could successfully retrieve the kunai, they would pass the test while the rest would be sent home?"

Yuno took a step back, her hands raised in a calming gesture. "Sure, you might have failed to seize the kunai from me," she acknowledged. "However, I was able to assess your individual strengths and weaknesses. Your ability to collaborate is commendable. It's a valuable skill to have."

We'll try this exercise again soon, and I expect all three of you to have improved by then. But for now, okay, that's enough as I need to speak to the Lord First. That's why we're bringing today's session to a close.

Once Yuno had left, it was just the three of them on the field. Haru proposed they go grab some lunch together, and the trio got up from the grassy meadow.

Ichirou's lip curled in revulsion, his voice dripping with contempt. "As if I would ever lower myself to associate with someone like you!", he spat, the words slicing through the air like razors.

Ichirou, what's your issue? We're supposed to be a team, and if we're going to work together then you better start showing some respect! I won't tolerate any more of your bad attitude - it's time for you to shape up or suffer the consequences. Don't make me have to remind you twice!

As far as I'm concerned, we are nothing more than comrades on the same team. When the mission calls or it's time to train, you can count on me for my unwavering loyalty and support but do not expect any form of friendship from me. Do you understand? His tone was harsh and demanding.

Ichirou was finished and ready to go, so he set off for home. Haru and Yuki were still left on the field, all alone.

"What is wrong with him," Haru grumbled that jerk says we're comrades but then doesn't want to get along

"I'm sure he'll come around," Yuki said.

Haru turned and looked at her, his mouth slightly agape from surprise. "Uh, yeah," he said quietly.

"You and I can still get something to eat together if you want since we're part of a team now and all," Her words tumbled out in soft whispers.

"Yeah sure," Haru said come on let's go I know a good noodle place back in the village Haru said.

"Okay," Yuki nodded and they both headed off.


Yuno finished her conversation with Lord Hashirama and started to make her way out of the building. As she was about to return home, a voice that sounded familiar called out to her. "Hey Yuno, it's been a while."

As she spun around, a face came into view which took her by surprise.

"Masako!" she exclaimed. "It's been so long," Masako replied with a wave.

"Let's go get something to eat and catch up," Masako proposed.

"That sounds great," Yano responded in agreement.


Haru and Yuki made their way into the noodle shop where he had visited with his uncle Izuna sometime before. Both of them chose an unoccupied table, and Haru pulled a chair out for Yuki to sit.

He smiled and said, "No problem," before settling into the chair in front of her. Silence fell over them as Mai walked up to the table, her sensible shoes tapping against the wooded floor.

"Hey Haru, it's been a while since we last saw each other!" She grinned and then noticed Yuki sitting across from him. "Aww, are the two of you on a date?" She asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Haru's face turned bright red as he spoke. "Since we're going to be working together now, I thought it'd be a good idea to grab some food," he said.

"If you say so," Mai replied, pen and paper ready. "What would you two like to order today?" she asked, looking cheerfully at Haru.

"I'll have the dumpling soup like last time," Haru said.

"Of course," Mai smiled before turning to Yuki. "And you, young lady?"

Yuki glanced up briefly, her face showing little emotion. "I'll have the same," she murmured quietly.

She gave them a bright, friendly smile and told them "All right, I'll be back shortly with your orders," then turned around and headed off in the direction of the kitchen. Her walk was brisk as she weaved between tables, her stride full of purpose.

The silence between them was almost unbearable, yet they both seemed content to remain in it. Haru never realized Yuki was part of his class, but at the same time, he couldn't deny how familiar she felt even though the first time he was sure he met her was a few weeks ago. As Yuki read the menu, Haru's thoughts drifted back to when he had last seen her; bruised and bloodied, held close to him as he and his uncle rushed her to the hospital. It was a miracle that she was alive and well now, but it also brought up questions about what could have possibly happened to her that day.

Yuki glanced up from the menu, meeting Haru's eyes.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me?" she asked.

He attempted a laugh in response, trying to downplay what was on his mind. "It's nothing, really--I was just thinking about something that happened a while ago."

Yuki set the menu aside and fixed her attention on him. "What is it?" she prompted.

"Well, I don't know if you remember me from before. I was going to mention it earlier, but it felt awkward," he said, his eyes glued to the floor. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but not too long ago, I found you injured." He hesitated for a moment as he wasn't sure if he should pry into what had happened.

Her expression changed suddenly as if she had come to a realization. "Is this about that day by the water?" she asked hesitantly. There was something in her voice that suggested she was scared of the answer, but I couldn't tell if it was out of fear or anticipation.

That day I saw you, you were barely conscious and had bruises all over. It makes me relieved to know that you are okay now, but is it alright if I ask what happened? He said...

Masako and Yuno stepped into the noodle shop, searching for an empty table. Masako scanned the space, spotting Yuki in the corner.

"Yuno, let's sit over here," she said as she walked over to their table.

"Okay," Yuno walked alongside her.

Yuki was ready to explain what happened at the water that day when she was interrupted.



Masako and Yuno are both saying their children's names.

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