Chapter: 1 Yuno and Haru

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"It's hard for me to believe how rude the Uchiha clan is". I groaned with disbelief.

The feud between me and the Uchiha is entirely absurd, and it all stems from the one and only Madara.

Madara Uchiha and I had been childhood friends. We had witnessed war, bloodshed, and the tragic loss of loved ones. The uncertainty of whether today or tomorrow will be the last day He kept our relationship a secret from his clan during that period of time. The only reason for it was because our clans were at war with one another. It wasn't until I was 15 years old that our clans established a sense of peace.

On the other hand, both my family and that of the Uchihas were still waging war against the Senjus. I am grateful to have met Hashirama Senju at the time, despite our families having shed blood against one another.

After all the fighting and war within our clans, we were able to arrive at peace with one another. Over time, one thing led to another, and here we are today, members of the Hidden Leaf village with Hashriama as our first hostage. Oh, how I long for those days to return.

It was three of us joking and having fun. We were getting along. Not like now, when I and Hashirama are still close. Meanwhile, it wasn't so for Madara. That relationship had deteriorated.

Since the day we met, Madara and I have had feelings for each other. My heart honestly felt we'd be together forever, but I knew it was a lie. We met so long ago, but every time the memories flood back into my memory, it feels like yesterday, like time never stops. It was about five years ago when I found out I would be carrying Madara's son Haru, my lovely son. That was the beginning of my feud with the Uchiha family.

The Uchiha's beloved leader had deserted them. He left everything, including me and his son, behind. Who he probably isn't even aware of. He had left around the time I found out I was pregnant, so I didn't have a chance to tell him. His entire clan, as well as many of the villagers, believe I was the one who drove him away.

Despite the fact that the Cilvia Clan and the Uchiha Clan have already made peace, many Uchiha members remained suspicious of my clan.
Even though now I'm the only survivor. Unless you include Haru then it's just me and him who left of my clan.

To be honest, I think their logic is utterly absurd. Madara Uchiha isn't the type of man to abandon a woman, an entire clan, or a village simply because he dislikes her. Sure, there's a deeper message here, and it's a serious one, but I have no idea what it is, and I'm not sure if his family is aware of it and is simply using me as a cover story or if it's something they actually believe. The only person who knows for sure why Madara went is Hashirama.

I tried for a long time to pry the explanation from Hashirama, but every time I brought it up, he managed to dodge the issue in some way. As well as becoming gloomy as a result of it. You'd think he'd at least tell me why Madara decided to leave, but nope.

The Uchiha family refuses to acknowledge Haru, our child, as one of their own because Madara and I were never legally married. That clan hates me so deeply that they think Haru isn't even his son and that I've been unfaithful to him.

One thing is certain: the entire clan and town are well aware that I was with that man at all times, every minute and hour. We were like two peas in a pod; therefore, the fact that they painted me as that kind of person affected me deeply. Of course, I may have exaggerated a little on the minute and hour parts, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was with someone else behind my back at some point, but I know for sure he was the only one.

Regardless of how much the Uchiha clan despises me, there is one individual who stands out from the others. Madara's younger brother, Izuna Uchiha Even if the entire clan is not convinced that Haru is Madara's child, I'm relieved to learn that Izuna does. I'm grateful that he's been there to assist me in taking care of his nephew to the best of his ability. I sure was in desperate need of additional help.

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