Chapter:21 Time

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The next morning, I awoke early, made my bed, dressed, and went to the restroom.

It was a peaceful morning at home as I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I made my way to the kitchen after leaving the bathroom and finishing my morning routine.

Walking in, I was greeted by the sound of running water, which drew my attention to the sink.

My Mother was cleaning some pots and pans and preparing some food for cooking.

I took a seat at the table, "good morning" I said

She turned, grabbing my mother's attention, and her familiar smile smeared across her face. "Good morning, Haru."

She asked, "How did you sleep last night?"

It made me happy to be able to hear her voice more because it was sweet and caring.

I'll admit that I felt a little awkward, but that's to be expected. I just hoped I'd get used to the situation quickly.

Looking down at the table, I realize I slept well; in fact, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.

This was the first time I felt like I fell asleep without having to wake up tossing and turning in my bed.

"Is there anything in particular you'd like for breakfast before Uncle Izuna arrives?"

something particular I lifted my head, thinking hard, but I couldn't come up with anything, so I just blurred out "Ramen."

My mother raised an eyebrow and turned to face me.

But then her expression softened and she said, "sure, but I'll make sure to add some rice to it," turning back to the counter and grabbing one of the pots, begging to make the ramen and rice.

When breakfast was ready, I re-entered the kitchen and took my seat, still waiting for my mother to finish cooking.

There was a freshly made bowl of ramen with rice on the side in front of me. My nostrils were filled with its delectable aroma.

This looks to be fantastic. I smiled as I looked up at my mother, who had also taken a seat.

She said, "Well, I hope you enjoy it."

I was about to start digging in to my meal when my mother stopped me

"Haru remember to give thanks for your food," she said as she waited for me to do so.

I quickly expressed gratitude and began eating.

My mother sighed but laughed as she gave thanks for her food and ate.

After we finished eating, my mother grabbed both of our dishes and began to wash them.

I wasn't used to not cooking or cleaning, but she wouldn't let me, so I sat at the kitchen table and watched her.

"Haru, Uncle Izuna should be here today, right?" she asks, turning to face me as she scrubs the pot.

"oh right, yes"

Uncle Izuna and I were going to practice with my Sharingan.

"Yes, he should be here soon", I said. " What are you going to do?" she asked, putting the pot away.

"I've been practicing with my Sharingan". I responded. She simply smiled and advised me to be incredibly careful.

While we were mentioning my Sharingan, I couldn't help but wonder about my father, given that it was clear by this point that my mother didn't have it and the rumors I'd heard.

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