Chapter: 4 An Ambush

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There was a hidden village in the Land of Springs. This village was very unnoticed and very lowly. It had been hidden from most of humanity for a very long time.

It was known to the villagers living there as the Hidden Flower Village or as the Village of Flowers.

In springtime, you are reminded of nature when it withstands the dying and death of the winter to burst into new life. The place was beautiful and looked pure, like the land it was in.

Despite the splendor and perfection that surrounded it from the outside, it was black, gloomy, rainy, and dreary inside. Its inhabitants are blinded by its perfect exterior.

Seeing the darkness and corruption in control, three weeks ago, the villagers' head of the village, Hana no Kage, kept preparing her ninja for a dangerous operation.

A plan that could affect the entire ninja world.


The sun was already setting as we continued to travel through the forest, and the sunlight had begun to fade. We landed safely on a branch, turned to look behind us, and were signaled to stop.

Tobirama raised an eyebrow and looked at me quizzically. "Is there a reason we are stopping?"

"It would be good to stop and set up camp for the night," I told everyone. "Sundown is approaching, and soon it will be pitch black outside. We should rest for a while and start again at dawn."

Ayumi sighed with relief. "Yes, finally, my feet were killing me."

Masako nodded in agreement. "Yes, Yuno is right. We should rest now and resume at dawn."

Tobirama frowned. "Our time should not be wasted; we must make sure the scrolls are delivered."

Ayumi fumed in frustration. "No duh! We shouldn't waste any time, Mr. Wise Guy!" she said. "Unless everybody has the energy to walk, how can we accomplish this mission?"

At this point, Ayumi was so frustrated that you could practically see the steam coming off her head.

Tobirama's frown deepened. "Our mission at this time should be our highest priority."

"You shouldn't put the mission above the health of our comrades. Their health should be given priority before everything else." I interrupted him. "If none of us have the strength to finish this

mission, as Ayumi said, there is no chance of success."

"Have you forgotten who the captain is?" Tobirama reprimanded me.

Is that right? ... I scoffed.

"Whatever does that have to do with anything?" I asked, and my face contorted. "I'm baffled."

I'm not sure where I got the courage to speak out against Tobirama at this point, but I'm glad I did. Of course, I wasn't forgetting that you were the team captain and in charge! I yelled angrily.

"Actually, none of us did! But didn't you forget that we're supposed to make sure you get to the Hidden Sand safely?"

"Our job is to act as your bodyguards, but how can we protect you and the scrolls if we don't have any energy?"

"You're not very bright for someone who sits at the right hand of the Hokage!"

My rage took over at this point, and my mouth just kept yelling at him. To the point where you could almost see steam coming out of my ears.

Before he could respond, Masako stepped in front of us and held up her hand. "You two are so draining," she signed. "My five-year-old daughter is a better-adjusted person than the two of you combined."

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