Chapter:16 Sound Of A Cry

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It wasn't enjoyable at all. We arrived in the woods, and Uncle Izuna began training me. Starting with activating my Sharingan

I had to use it to avoid all the kunai that was coming at me. The Sharingan gives you the capacity to see fast-moving objects.

So, in my situation, we are training my eyes to recognize the kunai and block them all.

Not only must I be able to predict my uncle's next movements, but I must also be able to prepare myself by paying close attention to the slightest muscle tension in his body.

To be honest, it was difficult, but I felt like I was getting the hang of everything he was throwing at me, anticipating all of his movements and being able to dodge them at the very least.

It's not the only thing the Sharigian allows us, Uchiha. Apparently, not everyone in our clan has this power awakened.

With my mother not having Uchiha blood, I had a fifty-fifty chance of acquiring the Sharingan.

"You're doing great, Haru," Izuna stated with a smile.

"We should stop for today and resume tomorrow," he added. He was putting his kunai away.

"No, we can keep going," I said, but my resolve was short-lived as my vision blurred and tiredness set in.

I began to lose my footing and fell because I was dizzy and fatigued. Uncle Izuna had immediately caught me from falling to the ground. With his arm around my shoulder, he was holding me up.

"Whoa, there kiddo, we should definitely come to a stop for the day."

"Because this is your first time using your Sharingan after activating it, you don't know how to completely utilize it."

"You'll lose a lot of chakra at first, but it'll get easier to handle and won't strain your body as much," he added, still holding me up.

I nodded to let him know that I understood I was simply too tired to speak.

restoring my balance I was able to fully stand up straight and walk again; I was still tired, but not as much as before.

Izuna motions with his hand, "come." Following as we began to leave the woods where we were training to get something to eat before returning home. I should get something for my mother as well.

It's been a while since I left home with her condition, and she's most likely has not eaten anything.

She is either still sitting in the wooden chair by the window or has fallen asleep in it.

We just talked about random things like hobbies and if I had any friends on our way out of the woods.

"How did you find today's training?" Uncle wondered aloud, turning to look behind him.

"It was okay, I wasn't expecting it to be so exhausting," I said, a sigh escaping my lips.

He burst out laughing. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"You know your father's Sharingan is pretty powerful," he continued, a grin on his face. "so I'm confident yours will be as good as, if not better than, his."

"huh," I said, turning my attention to uncle Izuna when he mentioned my father.

Uncle almost never mentions him to me, even when I ask about him. It's the same with everyone else.

I'd had only heard rumors about him being powerful and the former leader of the Uchiha clan.

I had no idea why he and my mother were no longer together or why he was never present. I'm not even sure if he's alive or dead.

I never gave it much thought, but now I believe I do. It would be nice to learn more about him.

especially if he's the reason for my remarkable eyes.

"Hey, uncle, how was my father like?" While we were walking, I said.

There was no response for a few moments, only the sound of the bottoms of our shoes crumbling leaves.

The sound of rushing waters from a waterfall nearby made it sound like we were nearing the end of the woods as we walked.

stopping him in his tracks. Uncle came to a halt and turned to face me, causing me to collide with him.

"Ow," I said, rubbing my brow.

"One thing is certain: you resemble your father," he said.

Then he turned around and began walking again, this time facing forward.

"Wait, that's all you're going to say?" I was dumbfounded by his response.

"That's not exactly what I meant," I yelled back.

But he just kept walking forward.

"Hey, wait up," I said as I ran after him.

"Why are you walking so quickly?" I said

I kept asking him questions about my father for about five minutes.

"How did he come across?"

"Was my father a good person?"

"Does he even know who I am?"

With each question, I grew more impatient, and my blood began to boil.

"How come he's never around?"

"How come he isn't with my mother?"

"How come my father doesn't even care about me?"

"Why don't you or anyone else ever bring him up?"

I yelled angrily, bringing both of us to a halt.

"Are you finally going to pay attention to me?" I murmured

As we both came to a halt in front of the waterfall, he turned to face me.

The only thing that could be heard was the rushing water.

But, then I was distracted by a crying sound before my uncle could respond.

The sound was faint due to the sound of the waterfall, but I was certain I could hear it.

"Do you hear that?" I say that moving my head to the right facing the waterfall

"Did I hear what?" Uncle Izuna questioned as he turned his head in the same direction.

"It sounds like someone is crying," I said as I moved my attention to the faint sound.

"Hey, come back here!" "Haru!" exclaimed Uncle Izuna.

I'm making my way across the waterfall to the other side. Since I was no longer in front of the waterfall, the crying sound was much easier to hear.

It was clear where the sound was coming from after pushing through some bushes.

A girl could be seen peering through the bushes. She appeared to be familiar, but I couldn't remember where I knew her from at the moment.

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