chapter: 7 Invitation

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Hearing a voice from within commanding us to enter. The ninja who has led us here opens the door and walks into the room.

Each of us made our way inside the room, one by one until the room was completely filled. We were all inside.

The room was spacious and comfortable. The color scheme and the concept that everything is most likely made of sand were both pretty good. After thoroughly inspecting the room

The jerk ninja who had guided us here started talking.

"Lord Kazekage, they have arrived as you requested," says the man. With us now completely inside. I was the last one to shut the door.

Their Kazekage spins around on his chair. Then he stood up to meet us.

"Welcome," he says as he removes the Kage's hat from his head. "My name is Reto of the Hidden Sand," he says.

"Hello, sir," we all say as we bow to greet him.

"Dawn the scrolls," he demands, his gaze fixed on the man who had escorted us here.

"Right Lord Kazekage," he says. The jerk, now known as Dawn, walks over to Tobirama, who was holding the scrolls on his person.

They both nod in agreement, and Tobirama takes the bag we'd been using to transport the scrolls. He then carefully removes both of them. Then he places both of them into Dawn's palms.

He lays the two black scrolls in the hands of the Kazekage after receiving them.

"Thank you," he said as he opened the scrolls' contents. The Kazekage closes the scrolls and furrows his brow at us after a few moments of stillness. Then he turns to stare out his office's ringed window.

You can tell by his demeanor that there is a lot of tension in the room. I cast a glance in Tobirama's direction, and I can tell he senses it as well.

As our gazes lock, I quickly look away and return my attention to the situation.

Finally, Reto the Kazekage begins to speak as he turns around to face us. "You, Leaf Shinobi, should stay for a few days."

"Stay!, for what?" exclaims Ayumi.

Tobirama whispered, "Idiot."

"I'm sorry, sir," Ayumi apologizes.

"With due respect, Kazekage, Ayumi is correct." "What are you asking us to stay here for?" "We completed the mission that was assigned to us," I stated.

"There will be a sand storm soon." "So you and your comrades should stay until it passes." "Then you're free to go," he says flatly.

"I'll also have an answer for your Hokage by the time the storm passes." He stated.

"I'll need some time to prepare the letter." "That will be returned with you four."

"All good, "we all say, bowing.

Then I remembered what Hashriama had told us. He had stated that the Kazekage will inform us of the contents of the scrolls.

"Please excuse me, Lord Kazekage," I said.

"Yes," he responds, sitting back down in his chair.

"Before we left our village to bring the scrolls to you." "Our Hokage had stated that you would explain the contents of the scrolls to us." Looking into his eyes, I explain.

"Why didn't your Hokage explain before handing you the scrolls?" Lord package inquiries pierce his brow.

"Well... yes," I said uncomfortably, awkwardly touching the back of my head.

"Very well," he sighs. An invitation was contained within the scrolls.


"Yes, as you four are aware, five major nations are rising to dominance within the lands."

"This includes the Land of Wind and Fire, as well as the five hidden villages, who have been invited to the first-ever Kagae summit."

"Your Hokage will begin the summit." "I have no idea what will be discussed during the summit." "For the time being, we are only invited to get together and participate."

"Does this satisfy your four's interest about the letters?" he asks, moving from his seat.

"Yes, we understand," we all say as we bow in accord.

"Well, it's getting late now." "You four should get some rest," the Kazekage says with a smile.

He was correct; as I looked out the ringed windows, the light had disappeared and a dark blue had filled the sky.

Dawn, you are to accompany them to their destination for the following few days.

The Kazekage orders were indicating that we should exit the office.

"Yes, Lord Kazekage!" he says as he bows.

With that, we all bid our goodbyes and exited the office. Dawn was right behind me.

We had been trailing Dawn for what seemed like an eternity. But, on the bright side, we got to see more of the village. Even though it was late at night, the lights that illuminated the house and the street were a lovely sight.

"We finally came to a halt, and Dawn turned to face us." "You'll all be sharing this room," he says.

"What"! Ayumi and I both yell. "Do you have a problem?" Dawn inquires. "No," I answer, while Ayumi, on the other hand, says.

At the very least, we have our own beds, right? Ayumi cries. "I couldn't tell you," Dawn answers flatly before unlocking the door and walking away.

"Hey, return here"!! Ayumi screams.

I buried my face in my palm. "You've got to be kidding me."

Masako tries to lighten the situation by saying, "I don't think it'll be that horrible."

"I suppose," I say, dropping my head.

"Turns out you were mistaken," Ayumi remarked as we all gather in the room.

There were only two beds and four of us as we entered the room. That means we'll have to share a bed. As long as I'm not sharing with Tobirama, I'm fine.

"I'm going to the shower," I sighed, walking towards the bathroom.

"Don't take too long," Ayumi advises.

Everyone else takes their turn being washed up after I have my shower. Tobirama was the last to go because Ayumi had taken a while. Even though she was the one who advised everyone not to take forever in the showers.

I felt horrible for him because Ayumi had probably used up all of the hot water for the night.

After we had all bathed and washed up. We were all dressed in the sleepwear that the sand villagers had prepared for us. Because our stay was unexpected.

For the most part, everything went smoothly. We finished our mission by delivering the scrolls and had the opportunity to visit a new location. The only issue I was attempting to avoid now was the sleeping arrangements.

Of course, Ayumi grabs Masako's arm and drags her to the bed, saying she's sharing with her.

"Really?" I grumble, then look over at Tobirama. When our gazes locked, I quickly shifted my gaze.

"I'm sleeping on the floor."

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