Chapter 28: Time to Close the Case

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Tobirama pushed open the door to his brother's office, his eyes immediately drawn to the towering stack of paperwork on Hashirama's desk. Hashirama himself was hunched over a document, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Tobirama," Hashirama called out, his voice slightly muffled by the paper. He looked up, his eyes lighting up, when he saw his brother. "I see you've made it back safe."

Tobirama nodded, his relief evident in his voice. "Yes, I managed to complete the mission without any complications." He walked over to Hashirama's desk, feeling a sense of comfort in his brother's presence.

"Ah, Tobirama," Hashirama greeted warmly. "I could use your help with these documents. They seem to be never-ending."

Tobirama nodded, understanding the burden his brother carried. As he approached the desk, a sense of camaraderie filled the room, reminding them both of their shared responsibilities as leaders of the village.

Tobirama took a seat next to his brother and began to help him sort through the paperwork. As they worked, they talked about their respective missions and the latest developments in the clan. Their conversation was easy and natural, flowing as effortlessly as the river that ran through their village.

"So Hashirama," Tobirama said, his voice somber, "I spoke with Yuno right before I came into the

office, he then placed the finished documents in his hands in a neat pile to the side.

Hashirama looked up from his work, his eyes mirroring Tobirama's sadness. "So she's told you then that we haven't gotten anywhere with our investigation into the hidden sand incident eight years ago," he said, his voice heavy with disappointment. "It's been a year since Yuno awoke from her coma, and she still isn't able to remember a single detail from the night of the incident."

Tobirama nodded, his dark eyes furrowed in concern. The strain of the past year etched sharp features on his face, and his once-confident demeanor gave way to a look of weary determination. "Yes, she's been trying so hard to recall what happened," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. "But it's like her memory has been completely wiped clean. We've exhausted all our leads and resources, and it feels like we're hitting a dead end."

Hashirama's heart sank at his brother's words. He had been so hopeful that Yuno's recovery would bring some answers, but now it seemed that even the Yamanaka clan's mind-centered techniques were unable to find any clues that would help.

"Even with their help, we couldn't find anything either," Tobirama added.

Hashirama closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel the weight of the world pressing down on his shoulders, but he knew that he couldn't give up. Not for Yuno. But then again, a part of him felt that it was time to move on.

Tobirama sat opposite his brother, his eyes locked on Hashirama's defeated expression. He had never seen his brother look so discouraged and weary. He hasn't seen him this way since Madara left the village.

"What do you think?" Hasirama asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He paused for a moment, his throat thick with emotion. "Should we put an end to the case here? Just leave it unsolved."

Tobirama's gaze flickered as he looked down at the pile of paperwork in front of him, his eyes filled with uncertainty. "I don't know," he said. "I want to keep trying, but I'm starting to lose hope. We've been chasing this case for years, and we're no closer to finding the truth than we were on day one."

Hashirama nodded, his dark hair swaying gently as he did so. He sighed and rubbed his temples, his eyes closed tightly. The weariness in his body was evident in his slumped shoulders and the way he slouched in his chair.

He knew that his brother was right. They had exhausted every lead and explored every possibility, yet they were still empty-handed. The case of Yuno's attack has been a cold one, and Hashirama couldn't help but feel like he was failing her.

Tobirama's voice was heavy with dissatisfaction as he spoke. His dark eyes met Hashirama's, and the two brothers shared a look of understanding. Tobirama knew that his words would hurt his brother, but he felt that they needed to be said.

"Perhaps it's time to accept that some cases are meant to remain unsolved," he said.

Hashirama's expression fell. His eyes widened slightly, and his jaw clenched. He looked away from Tobirama, unable to meet his gaze.

Tobirama's heart ached at the sight of his brother's pain. He knew that Hashirama was not ready to give up on the case, but he also knew that they could not keep chasing a a lead that just wasn't there forever.

Hashirama closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His head was lowered in defeat as he came to terms with the reality of the situation. 

"You're right," he said grabbing the last open file on his desk. Which contained all the details of The Hidden Sand Incident.

He knows he told Yuno he would keep trying but now there was just no other option but to finally

Close the case.

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