Chapter:17 She Deserves It

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Her clothes were ragged and ripped as she lay on the ground. Moving out of the bushes and to her side.

I knelt and examined her appearance. The young lady had short purple hair. Her hair was twisted and unkempt as if it had been pulled. She appeared to have been in a fight, as she was filthy and damaged.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder?

She then yelped in pain as a result of my touch.

"I'm sorry," I responded, concerned.

She slowly turned her head to gaze up at me. She gradually opened her eyes. They were as blue and as vivid as the sky.

"How did you end up like this?"

Who hurt you, I wondered? She strained to respond her heavy breathing was the only thing escaping her lips

She appeared to be in too much pain to respond.

"Try not to speak; I'll go get help," I whispered reassuringly as I rose from her side and prepared to hurry to fetch Uncle Izuna.

"Haru, where have you gone?!" Is that Uncle Izuna's voice calling to me?

"I'm over here! by the waterfall, but hurry! "...

Someone has been injured! In response, I yelled.

Not even a minute later, uncle Izuna emerged from the same bushes from where I had come.

Standing in front of me and the girl he was breathing heavily as if he had been running

"Were you running to find me?" I questioned looking at his now tired appearance.

He huffed "you said you heard someone crying then just ran off"

So I followed to see what exactly you were talking about he said breathlessly.

"So, what happened?" he inquired. Looking over my shoulder, I noticed the girl on the floor.

"I'm not sure what happened, but I found her like this," I said, motioning for him to approach.

Izuna and I knelt next to her as we returned to her side.

"Well, she's hurt," he explained.

I rolled my eyes.

Izuna then simply stares at me.

"Hey, can you get up?"

"I don't believe she can. She was in a lot of pain when I spoke to her earlier."

"At the very least, she is fully conscious." Examining her appearance

She just kept staring at us, now that she was breathing heavily.

"We should take her to Konoha Hospital and have the lady Mito examine her."

Uncle Izuna then started picking her up gently and in a cradle-like manner. The girl's eyes closed tightly, groaning in pain as she was lifted.

"I know I'm sorry," Izuna apologized, looking down at her bruised face.

Then we were on our way through the woods to the hospital to have her checked out..

By the time we got to the hospital. The young lady. Uncle Izuna, who had been carrying her, had passed out. "We finally got to the hospital, l," I exclaimed as the Konoha hospital came into view.

Heading for the hospital in a hurry.

"Wait for a second, Haru, you aren't the one carrying the injured person," he said.

"I'll notify the front desk that you'll be arriving!" I called back, turning to face them.

Looking forward again, as I approached the front door, I dashed in, making my way to the front desk.

"Excuse me, we need to see a doctor right away," I said, grabbing the nurse's attention.

"Oh Haru," she said. "Is it about your mother?" she questioned. From the paperwork she was filling out, she looked up at me.

"No," I quickly replied, shaking my head. "But we did find someone, and she's in bad shape. We need to see a doctor as soon as possible "I responded

"All right," she said as she stood up from her seat. Around the same time, uncle Izuna arrived at the hospital, holding the purple-haired girl in his arms.

When the nurse noticed the two of them, she immediately asked for assistance and a gurney.

When the gurney arrived, she ran up to uncle Izuna and took the girl out of his hands. She and four other nurses began to push the gurney down the co corridor. Izuna quickly followed behind the nurses, and also included me.

"How long has she been in an unconsciousness?" The nurse tilts her head in the direction of Izuna.

"It's been about five minutes now. She was still conscious when we found her and had passed out on the way here."

"All right, sir, we'll take it from here, and you and Haru can wait in the waiting room."

The nurses and the girl had gotten further down the corridor, taking a right soon they were no longer in our sight, I and Uncle had come to a halt in both of our tracks.

we both returned to the waiting room. We turned our heads as we entered the room after overhearing some of the nurses.

"Is Lady Mito here today, Lyn?" The nurse said this while placing her clipboard in front of Lyn on the desk.

"Hey, Su, I'm pretty sure Lady Mito said she was going to check on the former patient who was in room 222," she said, taking the clipboard and looking at it.

"Do you mean Ms. Ciliva?" Su replied now, leaning her elbows against the desk.

"Yeah her," lyn said, starting to write on the clipboard that had been handed to her.

"Would you believe she was in a coma for seven years?" Su kept turning her head to look out at all the patients who were waiting in the waiting room.

It's amazing she woke up at all.

I'm surprised at how well she's doing after spending so much time in a comatose state.

Thankfully, Ms. Civlia is awake, but I wouldn't say she's completely recovered. Lyn replied

"The poor thing must still be in a state of shock." Su's tone was sad as she sighed.

"Whoever attacked her stole seven years from her and her son."

"It's heartbreaking."

"Yeah, that's right," lyn agreed.

"Something like that makes you wish you could go back in time," Lyn went on.

"Yes, you are exactly right. I'm curious how her son is dealing with all of this." Su concurred.

"No one knows when Ms. Cilvia will be fine."

"She won't be the same, and I'm going to miss the way she was seven years ago."

"Well, don't give up so quickly; hopefully some of her is still there," lyn smiled as she handed the clipboard with papers back to Su.

"You're right, let's just hope and pray that they find whoever did this and bring her peace and closure."

"She's earned it." Su finished by taking the clipboard from Lyn's hands and walking down the other side of the hall.

I kept my head low the entire time, just listening.

When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Uncle Izuna's face, and he smiled gently at me.

"We should just leave and return later."

"We still need to get something for my mother to eat," I explained.

We both nodded and exited the hospital's main entrance.

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