Chapter 31: Madara's Return pt 2

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Yuno and Masako continued their chat, their voices animated and their bodies leaning in towards each other. Yuno's eyes were wide with interest as she listened to Masako speak, and Masako's smile was warm and inviting.

Haru and Yuki, who were sitting nearby watching Ichiro as they both decided to take a break, both took notice of their mothers. They were pleased to see that their mothers seemed to be getting along so well.

Ichiro had finally managed to stabilize using the chakra at his feet, so he was able to catch up with Yuki and Haru. They watched him closely as he practiced walking across the lake and then running across it.

Impressed by Ichiro's progress, Haru and Yuki cheered him on, their smiles mirroring the warmth between their mothers. As Ichiro's confidence grew, he began to experiment with different techniques, leaving his teammates in awe of his determination and skill.

While Yuno and Masako were speaking, Yuno's eyes drifted down to Masako's hands. She noticed a gold band on Masako's left ring finger, sparkling in the sunlight.

"You're married?" Yuno blurted out. "I never noticed before that you had a ring." She paused, her eyes widening in realization. "Come to think of it, I've never actually seen Yuki's father."

Masako stopped talking and took hold of her ring finger, feeling the ring between her fingers. Her smile faded slightly. "Ah, yes, well, it's a bit complicated," she said.

Yuno realized what she had said, and her eyes widened in apology. "Masako, I'm so sorry," she said. "That was really not my business. I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable."

Masako shook her head gently, her smile returning. "No need to apologize, Yuno. It's just a sensitive topic for me." She rested her hands on her stomach and took a slow, deep breath. "So, about you," she said, her eyes meeting Yuno's. "Are you married? I never noticed a ring on your finger."

Yuno's smile faded slightly. "Ah, no," she said. "Haru's father and I never married. He left before I could tell him I was pregnant."

Masako nodded, her eyes wide with understanding. "I see," she said. "And Haru's father is a Uchiha?" She leaned forward slightly, her curiosity piqued.

"Um, yes, he is," Yuno said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh, then, how come you two live away from all the Uchihas? Don't they have their own living area for their clan?" Masako asked, her brow furrowing slightly. "Sorry if I'm prying."

"Oh, that's because—" Yuno began to speak, but a deep, familiar voice interrupted her.

"It looks like I've finally found her."

Yuno's heart skipped a beat at the sound of that voice. She turned around slowly, her eyes widening in disbelief.

There stood Madara Uchiha, the love of her life. He was more muscular than she remembered, but his spiky, long black hair and piercing black eyes were still the same. He was wearing a black military-style uniform, and his face was expressionless, but there was a hint of softness in his eyes.

Yuno froze in place, her mind unable to comprehend what was happening. She felt like she was in a dream. Madara couldn't be here. It was impossible.

But he was. He was real. He was standing right in front of her. Yuno's eyes welled up with tears. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words. She felt like her heart was going to burst.

Masako noticed the change in Yuno's demeanor immediately. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted in surprise. She turned around slowly, her head tilting up to look at the man who had just spoken. Masako had never seen him before, but she could tell that he was important to Yuno.

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