Chapter:14 Eating Away

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I walked in, closing the door behind me and keeping my gaze straight to the floor. Hashirama, the old geezer, had stopped writing with his pen in his hand and glanced up at me.

"Oh, Haru." With a cheeky smile, he inquired, "How are you doing this morning?"

"To be honest, I didn't think it was that great", I murmured, my eyes down.

When I looked up to meet Old Man Hashirama's gaze, his expression had changed.

I'm sure he understood why. He was just waiting for me to say it out loud so he could be sure.

The old man's gaze is drawn away from mine, and a big sigh escapes his lips.

"Haru, how bad is she?" he inquires.

I remarked with a sigh "she was much worse than she was six months earlier..."

"There has been no progress at all", Lord first asks.

"Nothing, it's as if she's becoming worse by the day" while shaking my head.

I was enraged on the inside, wondering why she wasn't getting better, but rather worse.

"What's the matter with her?" I ended up yelling. I slammed the fully updated report on my mother's illness onto his desk.

It's not that I intended to do it; I simply couldn't contain my rage and frustration any longer.

Hashirama, the old geezer, was taken aback. I don't blame him; my reaction was unexpected.

Since that day my mother returned home from the hospital, the only words that came out of her mouth the first time I heard her utter were "I'm sorry."

But I'm not sure why it's not as if what happened to her was her fault. She hasn't spoken, eaten, or slept since unless she is forced to. She refuses to go anywhere not even to the hospital. Nothing!!!.

In my thoughts, I attempted to maintain some self-control, but it was as if every bottled-up emotion that I had simply shoved down and tried to ignore began to spill out of my mouth.

I was furious, but I didn't know what to do about it. I wanted to cry, punch something, anything. I just stood there expressing everything I'd been feeling.

Everything was eating away at me when I finally realized and understood about my mother winding up in the hospital along with the worries and stress about the Academy, but I refused to talk about it.

Lord first had simply listened silently at first, allowing me to express my anguish. I didn't feel any better when I finally stopped shouting.

My chest felt tight and I couldn't breathe. My mind was racing with a million thoughts that wouldn't stop.

The old man was ready to talk to me as he stood up and walked up to me, but he was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

This dragged me away from my thoughts and towards the door. I even felt a release of tightness in my chest and exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Who is it" Hshirama, Lord geezer, yells.

The voices replied, "It's Izuna and Tobirama."

"Feel free to come in."

Turning the doorknob, Uncle Izuna and Old Man Tobirama enter the Hokages' office together.

"Did we cause an interruption?" Izuna asked, concerned.

"Nothing," I responded, crossing my arms.

"All I was doing was informing old geezer Hashirama about my mother's illness."

"And before you ask how she's doing, it's not good; my mother's condition is worsening by the day."

The room fell quiet, with no one speaking until old man Hashirama began to speak.

"I see you two have returned safely," Old geezer stated as he sat back down in his chair.

"Have you two discovered anything about the incident and attack on Yuno?"

"Nothing useful has changed." "Whoever attacked Yuno sure did an excellent job of removing evidence," Tobirama added.

"That's fantastic," I remarked sarcastically.

"You and uncle Izuna have been gone for six months and have yet to learn anything."

"In reality, it's been seven years since the attack took place in the Hidden Sand, and no one has discovered anything."

"What exactly is going on?" "It just doesn't make any sense," I said, frustrated.

"Haru, it's not as easy, as Tobirama claimed; whoever did this to your mother did an excellent job of cleaning up the evidence."

"At this point, whatever." "Whatever happened that day is most likely never going to be solved."

"I think we simply concentrate on the fact that my mother is still alive and attempt to get her healed from now on."

I was irritated and annoyed.

"I have to leave now anyway." I started waving goodbye as I walked out of the Hokages' office.

I could still hear Izuna, Old man Tobirama, and Hashirama talking to each other after walking out the door and resting against it as it closed.

As he leans back in his chair, Hashirama lets out a heavy sigh.

"Perhaps the boy is correct," Tobirama said.

"What exactly does it mean?" Izuna, looking at him?

"I mean, we should simply call the investigation off for the time being." "It's been seven years since the incident in the Hidden Sand, as the child said."

Yuno's awake now. I feel like we owe it to her at the very least to find out who her alleged attacker is." In a regretful tone, Izuna stated

"Look, I'm as curious as everyone else about what happens."

"But for the time being, let's focus on getting Yuno better."

There was clearly a divide between Izuna and Tobirama.

"Let's not make this any more difficult than it already is." Hashirama stepped in between the two.

"You are both correct". "However, we should put the investigation on hold until Yuno is fully recovered, both physically and mentally".

"As of now, Yuno is our sole source of information, and if she is incapable of cooperating, there is no way for anything to be resolved".

"I believe you are correct". Izuna said first, balling his fist.

"It's just so frustrating."

"For the time being, we're moving on."

"What was it that caused Haru to go right away?" Izuna questioned?

"Today is the graduation ceremony for all of the Academy students who passed their final exam." Hashirama responded.

"I have to go there in an hour or two to congratulate them." "They are the first pupils to graduate from the New Shinobi Academy that we established."

"Wait, the graduations today?" Izuna was taken aback.

"It is,"

"Wow, time definitely does fly by, doesn't it?" Izuna grinned genuinely.

"Indeed, time does fly," Tobirama replied simply, resting against the wall.

"It feels like Haru was born yesterday."

"How incredible that he's going to become a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf." Hashirama was overjoyed.

"And I'd say it's because of Tobirama." Izuna also stated

"It was simply a notion," Tobirama explained, "and all credit should go to Lord First."

As they continued their chat, I listened silently. As I leaned against the Hokages' office door, only a "Tch" sound escaped my lips.

I made my way down the corridor to the Academy for the Graduation ceremony.

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