Chapter:20 Confidential Meeting

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Pursuing along beside Ayumi, both she and Lord Hashirama had come to their destination that Lord Hashirama told Ayumi to lead him.

standstill in their step, they both cease to look up and recognize the area was the gate to enter the former Uchiha clan's place of residency.

A few years ago, Tobirama Senju was placed in charge of creating the leaf villages police force, which many of the Uchiha's became in charge of

The Uchiha were recently moved to a farther location in the village to where they used to be. Of course, Lord Hashirama opposed the move.

but with consideration of the other villagers and the Uchiha themselves, saying there was no issue, so it was done.

The place was closed off for now. Only people with authority could enter. Meaning only Hashirama and whoever else he had given permission could enter the place.

It had been three years now the place had been closed off. Except for the gate since no one had attended to the place. The gate had been covered in dirt and dust all over it.

it was very late in the village now as the sun had now gone to take its shift for the other part of the world and the moon fills in instead

turning to look at Lord Hashirama

"Sir, I know you can handle this on your own"

"but, as a precaution, shouldn't we inform the other shinobi or Tobirama at least?" Ayumi spoke concerningly.

"until he and I speak, there is no need to rile up the rest of the village"

"if he is here, it is possible the rest of the clan are aware as well or everyone is asleep and does not know as it is quiet and all the lights are turned off."

"for now, keep everything under secrecy unless I give the go-ahead for backup. For now, I would like for you to stay out here and wait for my return. Understood?" he spoke.

"Right sir," Ayumi nodded. Waiting outside the entrance gate.

Lord first entered and made his way down the path to walk with the Uchiha clan.

Making his way further down, he knew he was getting closer to the meeting destination as the feel and presence of a strong chakra became stronger and stronger

1 week later

Wow, word sure travels fast in this village. I didn't realize how much the villagers cared for my mother. When she came back to her senses, most of the villagers could not help but be excited about her being back..

Apart from the Uchiha clan themselves, they showed little a positive reaction towards my mother. I never really understood why they rejected her or me even.

I never really cared much since I had no social life. To begin with, was never really social with people.

all I ever did was go to the academy then straight to the hospital to keep my mother company, or I was with Uncle Izuna

He would be the only one that would be surrounded by the other members of the clan, and the other kids who had recently awakened their Sharingan of the clan would be in the academy and my class. Then again I still had no social life and when we had to train for the lesson or water, it was we were being taught they would just ignore me and not bother communicating

here and there I would hear whispers and snickers from them but it never bothered me, or maybe I was so blinded by my mother's condition I shut everything else out.

though I was invisible In class, I guess you could say I stood out. It wasn't by choice, more like it made me stand out.

By Ichiro he's a kid who I wouldn't say is my friend but definitely, someone who always picked a fight or something with me. So they considered me the invisible trouble maker of the class. And I would always get in trouble with Ichiro so naturally, anytime he gets in trouble, it's automatically assumed it involved me.

You don't understand the number of times I had gotten scolded by the Lord geezer himself. Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage calling Lord geezer, just became a habit, not that I'm a disrespectful child just with him. The name fit even though I look up to him as a powerful shinobi

this being beside the point My uncle would offer to take me to meet the other members of my clan. but I was never part of the clan so I always said no and just stuck with my mother.

I could hear nothing about my father, even though supposedly he was the strongest and the leader of the clan, I was never. Allowed to know anything

I don't even know if it's true or not, mainly just heard rumors. Getting back to the case with my mother.

right now went to see Lady Mito

at my mother's request, instead of being in a hospital, we would go to their home to speak as a daily check-up that was put in place for my mother

turns out after she had woken up that day in the hospital, her body and mind had gone into shock, so this whole time she had never realized what was going on.

And just now everything was processing for her. I wouldn't sit in with the sessions, but being nearby most of the time it was the sound of tears or laughter but not the good laughter more like the sound of being on the verge of another mental breakdown

Or there's right now As the explosive sound of cracking wood fills the air and goes across the room.

, As the debris fades away and the view becomes more clear. There stands my mother.

Her hair rises from the amount of chakra that's coming off, making a visible aura around her.

"Good grief," "how many times is she gonna break our door?" A voice says.

Looking up to the right of me as I was sitting down. There stands Lady Mito and Lord Hashirama's oldest child. Hanaku Senju.

"You don't have to answer that," He continued.

"I'm just glad she's better than before," Hanaku said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Looking back at my mother and Lady Mito. "Yeah, you're right" I smiled.

Later that day, we both left the Senju's residence, and we made our way home.

It was a quiet walk home, but hopefully, soon we could start to be a normal family again.

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