Chapter:13 Worsening Condition

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It was going to be a great day. After waking up in the morning, I jumped out of bed and started getting ready for the day, but I couldn't keep up with all the adrenaline coursing through my body.

That was until I stepped inside the hallway, facing the living room. My eyes fell on my mother as I viewed her through the doorway.

The thought of her being back home had gone completely over my head. I had gotten used to not noticing her here. I was glad to have her back, but it still felt empty. It was as if I were still all alone at home.

When old man Hashirama asked me to give him weekly updates on my mothers' condition. My adrenaline began to fade. Rather than feel excited, I felt down. I wanted to give him some good news, but sadly, I didn't have any.

Today was the day I was going to be graduating from the Leafs Shinobi Academy. It was why I woke up so excited for the day. I had expected to be thrilled but worrying about my mother and her condition made it feel like it wasn't possible.

During my time as a student, I always looked forward to seeing my mothers there. Like all the other students, I would have loved absolutely nothing more than to have her there to congratulate me. However, that was most likely not going to happen.

When I walked into the living room, I greeted her loudly, hoping she would give me some sort of reaction today.

"The day has finally come for me". "In the next few hours, I'll become a full-fledged shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village". I pronounce it confidently as if I were reporting to a high official

My mother is sitting in front of me now, and I am trying to get her attention in any way I can. Nothing progressed at the end.

Every day since she returned home has been like this.

Whenever she was in the living room, she would sit in the wooden chair with her back to the window and stare out. The whole day.

As she was up and walking about, she went to the restroom, used the toilet, took a shower, and did everything else you'd expect in the bathroom.

Afterward, she would come into the living room and just sit in the wooden chair right near the window. Having a blanket on her lap.

She will not eat or sleep unless she is forced to do so. Her body would need to give up and allow her to fall asleep on its own before I could put her to bed. Several days are required even for this.

Bringing up the subject of her eating was much more difficult now

There was no choice but to force her to eat. It wasn't that she would fight or refuse, it was that she found it hard to swallow the food. The only thing she ate was vegetable soup. Noticing that everything was futile, I walked away.

I went to the kitchen and touched the handle of the refrigerator, then opened it to heat the remaining vegetable soup from last night. I returned to my living room with a bowl of warm soup.

As soon as I had sat down, I took the bowl and placed it onto the edge of the window. Since there was sufficient space, I sat down in the wooden chair next to the window with my mother facing me.

"Could you please look at me?", I ask her "I am not always interested in forcing you to eat", I continued

With her blank expression, she continued to gaze out the window. Sighing, I get up from the chair without taking my eyes off my mother. "It's time for me to go now," I say

After pressing the seal against the window, I began to open the window a little. It was fairly hot inside the house, and even though my mother won't admit it, her cotton blanket is probably very hot as well.

When I opened the window, a cool breeze came in, making the room feel much cooler than it had been. It felt like a sauna, and as I looked at her, only my eyes were primarily focused on the floor.

Turning my back away from my mother. I headed to the front door, straightening my back and straightening my feet. I put on my black sandals and threw onto my shoulder my navy blue bag.

It's time for you to get well soon, I prayed to myself. My heart was in my throat as I grabbed the doorknob and headed outside toward the Hokages' headquarters.

On my way to see Old man Hashirama, I had my hands placed within my pockets. With my eyes to the sky as I move along on foot.

I wasn't generally one to get worried or have anxiety. I'm typically composed and calm. guess there may be a first and a time for everything

Since there was so much in my head, I could not keep up in reality with any of them, especially because of graduation and the situation at home.

I did not know if my mother would ever be able to get better. I did not know how serious her illness is. I wondered if anyone ever would find out who had done this to her.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I failed to notice the door in front of me when I walked straight into it banging my head against it.

My temples ached as I groaned and glanced at the entrance to Hokage headquarters. I had no idea how fast I had walked. Walking from my home to here is usually a long way. This time though the walk felt very short.

After entering through the main door and walking through the halls, I finally reached the brown wooden door that read Hokage's office with a sigh.

After knocking on Hokage's door and being told to come in, I opened the door and made my way into his office. As I followed the path into the room, my gaze became downcast, not wanting to tell him about my mother's worsening condition.

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