Chapter 26: Another Lunch Break

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A week or two had passed, and Team Three was continuing to train hard together. As noon came, the three Genin were on their lunch break. Once again, Yuno was called to the Hokage's office, leaving the three of them alone.

"Hey, Uchiha How come your moms are always leaving us?" Ichiro asked him as he plopped down on the ground. opening the lunch box his mother had prepared for him.

Haru glanced at Ichiro, a hint of annoyance in his eyes. "It's not like she's intentionally leaving us," he replied, taking a seat beside him next to Yuki, who sat in the middle between the two. "She has important responsibilities as Shinobi, just like we will someday." He unwrapped his own lunch and took a bite, contemplating the weight of their future roles in the village. "Besides, it's not like I know why she always gets called to see the old man."

Ichiro sighed, his frustration evident. "Why wouldn't you know she's your mom?" he muttered, his gaze fixed on the lunch box. Ichiro's words hung in the air, causing a momentary silence between the two of them.

Sensing the tension that filled the air, Yuki leaned closer and whispered, "Maybe there's more to their relationship than meets the eye. We shouldn't jump to conclusions."

Haru's annoyance grew after hearing Ichiro's comment. "Just because she's my mom does not mean she tells me everything. What does your mom tell you about her work day?" Haru asked him.

"Well, no, is all Ichiro could say." He realized that he had made an assumption without knowing the full story. Yuki nodded in agreement, understanding that it was unfair to judge someone based on limited information. "Besides, it's just annoying. Why does she always get called to the Hokage office every time we train?" he continued.

"It is what it is," Haru said, even though he too wondered the same thing.

"Ichiro does make a fair point. Can't they plan to meet at a time when we don't have to train?

Even though we are Genin, we are behind all the other classes," Yuki chimed in. She had noticed that their training sessions were often interrupted by Yuno sensei being called to the hokage office. It seemed unfair that they were falling behind because of it.

"Exactly all the other groups have gone on missions already, but yet the three of us are stuck here in the training fields, barely doing any training," Ichiro said. "At this point, I'll take any mission, even the super boring ones, like finding someone's lost cat," Ichiro huffed. He was growing frustrated with the lack of progress and felt that taking on any mission, no matter how mundane, would at least give them some experience. Yuki nodded in agreement, expressing her eagerness to prove themselves and move forward like the rest of their peers.

"You must be really desperate if you say that, Ichiro," Haru said. Ichiro glanced at Haru, his frustration evident in his eyes.

"I wouldn't call it desperate," he replied, "but we're definitely eager to start to actually do something." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Well, it's only fair. Haru, either get your mom to start meeting with Hokage another time." "Maybe talking to your mom will help us find a way to start going on actual missions."

"It's Yuno Sensei Ichirou when we're together for training," Haru corrected him.

Ichiro nodded, acknowledging the correction. "Apologies, Yuno Sensei," he said sarcastically. rolling his eyes. "Well, guess what? Until she starts acting like a sensei, I'll call her that, but right now, to me, she's still just your mom."

Haru sighed, frustrated with Ichiro's attitude. "Look, I get that you're not happy with her as our sensei, but disrespecting her won't solve anything. We need to find a way to make the best of this situation and improve our skills."

"How about we just try and finish our lunches now before they get cold instead of arguing?" Yuki said she was trying to be the person of reason, especially when she could tell if these two didn't stop arguing. They were going to start fighting each other. She knew that their bickering would only escalate if left unchecked. She hoped that by redirecting their focus to finishing their lunches, they could at least maintain some semblance of peace for the time being. Her suggestion seemed to calm the tense atmosphere, and both Haru and Ichiro reluctantly agreed to put their differences aside for the time being. As they resumed eating their lunches, Yuki couldn't help but hope that this small truce would lead to a more harmonious dynamic among the three of them in the future.

Yuki turned to her teammates with a mischievous grin, which was unlike her. "You guys, since Yuno Sensei is not here, how about we have a little friendly competition?" she suggested. Haru's eyes lit up at the idea; he was always up for a challenge. Ichiro seemed indifferent but couldn't resist the thought of proving his skills. With their lunch almost done, the two boys eagerly agreed, ready to push their limits and show off their progress in training.

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