Chapter 27: May Never Be Solved

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Hashirama sighed as he leaned back into his office chair, his eyes scanning the cluttered desk before him. The weight of disappointment settled heavily on his shoulders as he thought about Yuno and his failure to help her remember the attack on the Hidden Sand Village.

Despite his best efforts, the plans he had meticulously crafted for her success seemed to continuously fall short. He had tried everything he could think of, from gentle hypnosis to specialized memory retrieval techniques, but nothing had worked. Yuno's mind remained a blank slate, and the truth about the attack remained hidden.

Hashirama felt like he was letting Yuno down. As the leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, he had a duty to protect its citizens, and that included Yuno. But he was failing to do that. He was failing to help her heal, and he was failing to bring her attacker to justice.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, trying to push away the negative thoughts. He couldn't give up hope. He had to keep trying, for Yuno's sake.

He stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the bustling village below. He thought about all the people who were counting on him, and he knew that he couldn't let them down.

Hashirama sighed as he turned to look at Yuno, who was sitting in a chair in front of him. "I'm sorry, Yuno," he said. "It looks like another failure today."

Yuno looked down at her hands. "I know," she said. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," Hashirama said. "We just haven't been able to find a way to help you remember." It's alright, don't blame yourself; some cases just can't be solved, and what happened to you eight years ago is most likely one of them. Sometimes, the truth remains elusive, no matter how hard we search for it. We must accept that closure may never come and focus on finding new ways to move forward. Let's not dwell on the past, but instead channel our energy into preventing future attacks and protecting others from experiencing the same pain.

"But it seems like all our efforts have been in vain. Yuno's inability to recall any details of the attack has left us with no leads to pursue." Hashirama's voice was heavy with disappointment.

Yuno slouched in the chair, her shoulders slumping. She felt like a weight was pressing down on her chest. "Despite their best intentions and meticulous planning, they are left empty-handed and unsure of how to proceed."

"Overall, I guess you're right," she said softly. "But still, if that's really true, then I don't think I can handle not knowing what happened."

Her voice trembled as she spoke. She had been so hopeful that this time they would finally be able to break through the barrier in her mind and uncover the truth about the attack. But once again, they had failed.

"I need to remember," she said, her voice rising in intensity. "I need to know what happened to me."

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her palms. She felt a surge of anger and frustration coursing through her veins. Why couldn't she remember? Why was her mind blocking out the truth?

Yuno understood the importance of moving forward, but the weight of uncertainty still burdened her heart. The thought of never finding out the truth left her feeling a deep sense of loss and longing for closure.

Lord First sighed heavily, his frustration evident. "I understand that, but I can't help but feel like we've hit a dead end. We've exhausted all possible avenues and still come up empty-handed. It's disheartening."

He paused and looked at Yuno, his eyes filled with compassion. "We've recently gone back to the Hidden Sand Village to the balcony where you were attacked," he said. "But there was nothing new, of course, since it has been so long eight years to exact. The case file they have on the incident came back inclusive as well."

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