Chapter 34: Shadows of Secrecy

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The moonlit night embraced Yuno as she returned from Masako's place, her footsteps creating a delicate symphony in the deserted hallway. The front door yielded to her touch, unlocking with a hushed whisper. Stepping inside, she exchanged shoes for slippers, the echo of the deadbolt reverberating in the silence that enveloped her.

In the subdued glow, Yuno navigated the hall, unveiling the living room's light. Her sweater found refuge on a chair's back, and her eyes scanned the room, a silent search for her son.

"Haru?" Her voice rippled through the emptiness, resonating with a haunting quality.

Checking the clock, 10 p.m. stared back at her. Urgency laced her second call, "Haru, are you home?"

Haru materialized in the living room, weariness etched on his face, eyes drooping and hair in disarray. "Yeah, I'm home," he uttered, his voice carrying the weight of fatigue.

Relief etched across Yuno's face. "Were you able to train with Uncle Izuna?"

Haru, a hint of disappointment in his voice, replied, "No, I couldn't find him. The Hokage mentioned he had urgent matters."

"Urgent?" Yuno's brows furrowed. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine," Haru shrugged. "Just something important."

Yuno's concern lingered, painted across her face. "I'm sorry you couldn't train your Sharingan."

"It's okay," Haru reassured. "I'll ask him tomorrow."

The night unfolded its velvety embrace, casting shadows across the empty hallway. "It's getting pretty late," Yuno murmured, her tired eyes reflecting the weariness of the day. "I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Haru replied, his voice a soft echo in the quietude of their home.

Just as Yuno approached the door to her room, Haru's urgency cut through the stillness. "Wait, Mom," he called out, his words lingering in the air like a plea. The empty corridor absorbed the weight of his unspoken questions.

Yuno halted, pivoting gracefully to face her son. Her eyes, pools of concern, met his searching gaze. "Yes, Haru?" she asked, her voice a gentle breeze in the hushed atmosphere.

Haru stood there, a silhouette of indecision, studying the woman who raised him. The desire to unravel the mystery of the man from the park wrestled with an unspoken intuition. He sensed a secret, an elusive truth veiled by his mother's soft-spoken demeanor.

"Is something wrong?" Yuno's furrowed brows betrayed a mother's worry, her eyes revealing a depth of understanding that transcended spoken words.

A moment of hesitation gripped Haru, like a fleeting shadow passing over his features. Finally, he shook his head, the unspoken inquiry dissolving into the night. "Um, no," he mumbled. "Never mind. Goodnight."

With shoulders weighed down by unspoken burdens, he turned and retreated into the shadows of the dimly lit hallway. Yuno, her gaze lingering for a moment, turned away and stepped into the silence, her footsteps echoing as she closed the door behind her, leaving the enigma of the night to settle. A lingering unease accompanied her. The thought that Izuna's absence might connect to Madara left a shadow.


The next day, Yuno stormed into the Hokage's office without a knock, her face telling a tale of urgency. Tobirama, Hashirama, and Mito looked up, puzzled expressions etched on their faces.

Tobirama, always alert, shifted his gaze from the scrolls on his desk to Yuno. His sharp eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, a silent question lingering in his stern expression.

Hashirama, the ever-peaceful First Hokage, looked up with genuine concern, his brow furrowing at the unexpected intrusion.

Mito, perceptive as ever, observed the scene with a mix of curiosity and readiness.

"Did you know Madara returned to the Hidden Leaf?" Yuno's gaze bore into Hashirama.

Hashirama's face fell, Tobirama's eyes widened, and Mito rubbed her temples in frustration. Yuno, her initial shock transforming into a simmering rage, wasted no time in confronting Hashirama about the apparent secrecy surrounding Madara's return.

She stepped forward, leaving only the desk the kept the distance  between them, her eyes drilling into his with unwavering intensity. The room became charged with an unspoken tension as everyone awaited Hashirama's response

"I meant to inform you earlier," Hashirama spoke, his voice carrying a genuine undertone of regret. He met Yuno's gaze with a sincerity that sought understanding. However, Yuno, unyielding in her frustration, crossed her arms over her chest, her expression demanding more than mere words questioning his sincerity.

In the quiet theater of her thoughts, Yuki marshaled a determined purpose, a resolute resolve to confront him and unearth the truth. The echoes of her intentions reverberated within, drowning out any doubts that sought refuge in the recesses of her mind. She understood, with an unwavering certainty, that the impending conversation held significance far beyond the surface, transcending the mere exchange of words.

However, she acknowledged deep within that, whether Hashirama's forthcoming explanation held truth or deceit, she had already decided not to lend her ear to either. Recognizing the impending storm of emotions swirling within, she granted herself a fleeting moment of respite. In that instant, she chose to distance herself from the burgeoning rage, She simply took a moment to close her eyes and breathe.

"Just keep him away from Haru," she declared, dropping her guarded demeanor before leaving the office, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and a charged atmosphere.

Hashirama's gaze shifted towards his brother and wife; the intensity in his eyes met with theirs just as a tightly rolled piece of paper descended, striking his head with a resounding thud.

Lady Mito's disapproval echoed in her scolding tone, "What have you gone and done this time?"

A wince flickered across Hashirama's face as he attempted to soothe the smarting impact at the top of his head, his hands tenderly cradling the source of the unexpected sting.

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